Bought OnePlus Nord N10 5G but got OnePlusN10METRO ? Will this work ?
@Moem only thing im having issues is not used to there swipe stuff on it not like android
update on this I did get it to work but the cell side doesnt seem to be wanting to log on to carrier getting denied after sim card put in
@jam1388 @Moem and @shodan i just want to update cell does work haven't seen anything yet that doesn't the problem i had wasn't build issue of phone at all my cell carrier said it transferred my sim card it didn't that why it want showing service so I called them the transfered same sim to imie wallah to cool to have touch on the n 10 metro
This will be my last post so the phone most from what I did see I cant call out get called failed but I do hae mobile data and sms go figure but nobody can call me and I cant call out if anyone know how to get voice over lte going that be great to know because the toggle switch is greyed out for it but I get lte so nothing makes since its almost there like I said if anyone has any ideas please let me know!
@jam1388 If you are in the USA, you need 4G VolTe which is coming to some devices on UT, but has been a challenge to do so has taken a long time. You may also find that using a ROM not stipulated by the porter may cause issues like no wifi, data and the like so it is always wise to use the ROM the porter has used. Likewise if the device is SIM locked, you will have to revert to Android to get it unlocked if the carrier allows. It rarely works SIM unlocking on UT or even a custom Android ROM.
@MrT10001 I have the phone bootloader unlocked of course I can use a sim with any carrier as its unlocked there just wish there was a way to get 4g data and make phone calls out withought haveing to go into settings and switching from the 4g speed to 2g 3g to make and recive calls if I dont well i dont get calls in or out otherwise I switch to 4g and back and forth is a pain I cant make or take calls but i get highspeed data and i do get texting....... I hope this makes sense it was also the 10.5.8 metro pcs phone the forum says 10.5.7 I did it anyways it works and pretty much flawless except that issue
im not sure if 10.5.8 is the issue or not if someone knows id love to hear it lol its a great project this touch wish I was more capable to help with code.
@MrT10001 Hey took me a minute to understand that VOLT thing i did reseearch and now I know is there anytime frame you know of where it will come out in an OTA or something
that they implement in the calling app? -
@jam1388 said in Bought OnePlus Nord N10 5G but got OnePlusN10METRO ? Will this work ?:is there anytime frame
This is an open source project based on volunteer work.
We cannot have 3 or 5 year plan, it will depend on people's skills and motivation in order to achieve this goal.VoLTE is still a priority, but basically there is so few people able to understand and work on this.
We're doing our best with limited resources.
Everyone is doing their best to support the community's efforts. -
@AppLee Thats cool patients for good stuff is virtue I guess I can still make calls as long as I switch from 4g to 2g if I'm not wanting data wish there was some app that could just stop the data side till your off the phone and switch back over that would be cool maybe someone can fix up an up that can do that instead of going into menu to change it back and forth other then that works great on a metro phone to boot that didn't have 10.5.7 it still installed don't know how it was android 10.5.8 and no firmware to flash it down but not complaining its pretty cool
@AppLee I guess what I meant by that was an app that could sense you open the dial app it would switch it to 2g then back over to 4g when the calling app closed something like that but I guess you wouldnt be able to get calls in I also saw a tutorial where someone usesd a wifi app to forward there calls to a sip system i think it said then to a voip app but that seems like a hassle
@AppLee one last thing I also saw where they almost pushed the volt support in this months update but didnt so I assume next ota PRAYIN if they did push it and was buggy id dealt with that im easy cause the bugs can get fixed later id love to of beta tested that for sure
That's how it i supposed to work.
There is an issue with your port or your individual device.But as @MrT10001 told you it's best to follow the instructions as it has been tested by others and the experience is understood and known.
When you go off rails or do some unsupported actions then you're basically on your own.People told you to follow instructions, you ignored the advice so it's impossible for us to determine whether it was your own doing or a legitimate issue with the port.
Bug analysis is now on youAbout VoLTE there are still some work to do. It's almost there for Mediatek devices but there is still work to do for Qualcomm's.
If I had to guestimate I'd say it will be widely available mid-2025.
But no promises, development is hard to predict. -
@jam1388 Have you continued using this phone? Any further report on functionality?
Your issue with the phone not automatically switching between 4G and 2G is indeed not normal.. both my past UT phones have done that fine. Maybe it's somehow a result of incorrect firmware?I'm asking for any reports you deem relevant especially because I just bought an OP N10 online that turned out to be an unlocked T-Mobile version (they aren't even a carrier here in Canada). Trying to decide if it's worth trying on 10.5.8, but the need to manually switch between 4G mode and back would already a major drawback for me.
I may be able to return this phone for a short window, so any feedback on functionality (aside from UT-wide issues) is welcome.
@wally not sure about Canada and therr systems there was no other issues then that honestly but it was enough announce to switch back there supposed to be supporting voice I've LTE volte for us UB users hopefully sooner then later more we donate the fastet the support should come I guess but since it is volunteered can't get an exact date but I'd keep the phone if it was me the porter is saying he's working on it so I meqnnif I didn't mind toggleong to 2g when I'm out and about I could get calls and just use WiFi hotspots I may go back and in one of the ota updates I'm sure will find it will be working fine it's very close to being completed I think and what hero's they shall be lol!
@wally forgot to mention you could use lenageos flawlessly on it till the porter gets this issue solved it will soon be my daily driver I think a Linux based phone is pretty dang cool!
@jam1388 Thanks for the reply and the info!
I wound up finding a Global edition (BE2026) in a nearby city that I was visiting. I'll probably return the Verizon one, although your success makes me curious to try.
We've still got 3G up here for another year or so. I've been feeling for UT users south of the border. More and more nations are shutting down 2G and 3G. I've followed this issue for quite some time as a non-dev, and in short, it's just really hard to solve. They've made some amazing progress.
If systems like VoLTE had been set up based on open, international standards, I think it's safe to say it would've been solved long ago. Meanwhile, yep, heros is the right word for all the devs.
Anyway, thanks for your reply. So far the port's working perfectly! -
@jam1388 I have the same problem...and tried LineageOS....but that has the same have to have the bootloader unlocked and in the Metro version it can only be unlocked by T-Mobile and I have applied to them for the unlock code and received nothing in reply...probably because I do not live in the US...and bought this phone from the US via Ebay!
@wally that's awesome I read some forums about routing your calls using sip stuff all crazy work arounds I personally say take all efforts for that and roll out VOLTE I specifically bough my oneplus n10 for UT I didn't realize that voice calls didnt work after The 3g shutdown in fact none of the ut phones can call out I guess at least in USA but the Porter for the one plus n10 is working on it I'm hoping next ota the wizards can stick it to these network standards of volte only and get it going its probably really close if I was to guess i bet turn of 2025 we should be golden I hope anyways you have a good one!
@Dunbrokin contact one plus direct tell them you want a supervisor and they will for metro n10 I have it and works it just fine you can get a token for metro oneplus don't know why you have to fight for it they probably have a thing against Roms and Linux users rofl BTW lenageos everything works fine for me still not is cool as Ubuntu touch though I defiantly support UT 100% as this one as it's totally Linux os for the phone no offense to Android but I guess aosp is Better then stock and UT is the the gravy on top of your mashed tators lol
@jam1388 Thank you for that....but the phone number they give is not good for NZ. Would somebody mind calling them for me and getting the token that will release my metro Nord N10 5g. I can give you the serial number by email.