How to set ringtone for each contact on phone?
Hi everyone, I'm looking to set individual ringtones on my Samsung phone, can you show me how to do it?
I do not think UT offers that feature yet.
@maxhood95 I too would like this feature. :folded_hands_light_skin_tone:
J'ai trouvΓ© un site de tΓ©lΓ©chargement gratuit de sonneries
I found a free ringtone download site
@maxhood95 Please use English on this site also the questions was not about free ringtones and the link you added looks a lot like spam so I have removed it. Thanks
Edit: I added a translation this time only.
It would be very useful indeed to be able to instantly recognize a contact by its specific ringtone. Is it in your plans @lduboeuf ?
@domubpkm not yet, i'm on the cell broadcast now, and it takes some time....
we need to wait for new contact backend ( work in progress ) first: -
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This is how you have different ringtones on your contacts:
Open the Contact app.
Tapp the pen up to the right(edit contact).
Tapp Add field
Scroll down to Ringtone. -
Hi @Rondarius,
Just tried it out and it works flawlessly.
Thank you very much.
Best regards