Locking 4G LTE
G'day all
I have a FX-Pro1 just flashed with (https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/fxtec-pro1x/fxtec-pro1x/-/jobs/5669120881/artifacts/download?file_type=archive)
Working.. but In the land of OZ (AUS) the telco's are killing off 3G. I find UBports hunting network bandwidths and droping out of connection.
Can I edit a .config and lock network bandwidth to 4G.
Thanks legends
(M_P) -
If you use data for web things, then your phone will use 4G on priority whenever 4G is there.
But for telephony, a.k.a. using your smartphone as a phone, then 4G won't work for that part, as VoLTE is not supported yet in UT. -
@Keneda yes, but now with 2g/3g/4g mode, modem eats a lot of battery by scanning different bands. I previously suggested editing the modes and adding "3G only" and "4g only" to oFono. But I was told that it is not a fact that it will work on all modems.