Is it possible to install UT on a Droidian device
Is it possible to install UT on a device with Droidian already installed.
I've e Redmi Note 9 Pro, with UT on it, and I want to test Droidian.
But I would like to know how hard it will be to come back to UT.
Hi @Appointed ,
The answer to the forum post question is <NO>. :double_exclamation_mark:
Because we only guarantee the installation method shown on the device page.
You will also get the quickest help from the forum if you follow it. :ok_hand_light_skin_tone:Of course, anyone can try a new path here if they have the necessary knowledge and patience. :winking_face:
The forum post can now be set as solved, thank you very much. :folded_hands_light_skin_tone:
Greetings Mario :face_blowing_a_kiss:
@Appointed As far as I know, reflashing the correct Android version is always safer and in some cases very much required and unavoidable. Personally I would not risk it.
If Droidian is already installed, you should be able to install Ubuntu Touch without any problems. If UT really doesn't start you have to install Android ( Android 10 ) first, then Ubuntu Touch. So you can try to install UT without Android first. I also have the RN9Pro .
Good evening.
Thank you for your answers.
Someone says itβs safe, someone else says itβs risky.
And no one says that he has already done so (indicating the result).
Itβs hard to choose...
I will wait a little before I start...
Thank you.
The "good" (normal) way installing UT is to install it on top of the recommended android rom, wether it is (most of time) a stock rom or (sometime) a lineage one.I don't know any device with droidian as rom to install UT on it.
So, if you want your device to work properly with UT just follow the normal way and install the particular android rom you're said to install on it (by installer most of times).
Is that clear ?
@Enrico13011978 said in Is it possible to install UT on a Droidian device:
If Droidian is already installed, you should be able to install Ubuntu Touch without any problems.
Is this statement based on experience? If not, what is it based on?
@Moem My statement is based on my own experience. Here specifically for the Miatoll Joyeuse Global RN9 Pro. If you have previously installed the original MIUI software, you can install Droidian or Ubuntu Touch. This means you no longer have to install the complete software. The situation is different if you have installed Sailfish. Then you have to install MIUI completely and then UT again. I have observed this through my system changes over time.
droidian isnt quite as polished as UT atm everything is buggy with display your only going to be confined to terminal with alot of brokenness around gfx i switched back to android because it was to much of a pain
@developerbayman Shailfish is still quite usable for Joyseue in the unencrypted version. Otherwise, yes, I have also switched back to an Android. You have to say, however, that many new Miatool ports are no good!
@Enrico13011978 you need a very specific miui 12.0.2 if memory serves i have the same device
@developerbayman I have the new Joyeuse Device with 128GB+128GB SD card.
Hi @Appointed ,
The answer to the forum post question is <NO>. :double_exclamation_mark:
Because we only guarantee the installation method shown on the device page.
You will also get the quickest help from the forum if you follow it. :ok_hand_light_skin_tone:Of course, anyone can try a new path here if they have the necessary knowledge and patience. :winking_face:
The forum post can now be set as solved, thank you very much. :folded_hands_light_skin_tone:
Greetings Mario :face_blowing_a_kiss:
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@Enrico13011978 me too you have to downgrade