is it possible to enable USB-Networking
on UBPort 20.04 to access over USB-Cable
with SSH to the Device ? ( user + password no public_key )If yes how to do this ( Enable USB-Network ) ?
Currently a fully booted UT device does not expose ssh-over-usb out of the box. As this is Linux you could no doubt get it to work. But you'd probably have some digging to do.Is there any particular reason you want ssh-over-usb specifically? Would getting adb to work or ssh-over-network also be good enough for you?
if you have adb installed, you can use:
sudo adb shell
if you have clickable installed, you can use:
clickable shell
@ds2k5 You can enable the SSH server from UT tweak tool.
I can see that SSHD is running on Ubuntu
but I need Network via USB Cable
but did not know how to enable thisthat I can do ssh phablet@USB-IP-Addr
Simular as PostmarketOS do for example:
@ds2k5 did you tried this ?
Using Ubuntu Tweak- enable ssh server
- restart your phone
- follow recommendations describe their https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/advanceduse/ssh.html
Currently a fully booted UT device does not expose ssh-over-usb out of the box. As this is Linux you could no doubt get it to work. But you'd probably have some digging to do.Is there any particular reason you want ssh-over-usb specifically? Would getting adb to work or ssh-over-network also be good enough for you?
@ds2k5 would USB tethering or rndis work?
For adb to work you need to enable developer mode in settings, if it still doesn't it's a porting bug. -
Is there any particular reason you want ssh-over-usb >specifically? Would getting adb to work or ssh-over-network >also be good enough for you?
Yes that I do not have a WiFi most time
But USB-Cable and PC/Laptop.
So I can access the Device only by USB-Cable. -
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