Ubuntu Touch Q&A 161 Call for Questions
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 161 is this Saturday 22nd March at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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@UBportsNews i understand the focus is on Noble currently, would that be an opportunity to finally bring Full Disk Encryption or at least User Data Encryption to UT?
@UBportsNews I have heard rumors of successful VoLTE usage on a Volla from @stanwood. Will this be applicable to halium 9 ports, especially the Pixel 3a?
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@rik Some VoLTE tests have been successfully done on Qualcomm devices (not especially Volla), that is awesome. But I guess larger tests are now needed before to push on any OTA Stable release.
@rik Currently, Volte is not activated with halium 11 on the Volla 22 (OTA-8). To know if Volte will be on halium 11, so for halium 9 ...
@domubpkm According to this: https://ubports.com/fr/blog/ubports-blogs-et-nouvelles-1/post/ubuntu-touch-ota-8-focal-release-3953
VollaX23 and Volla22 have now VoLTE capabilities running Halium 12 port.
As I don't have a Volla, I don't know how to upgrade your port from 9 to 12 on Ubuntu Touch. Maybe installing VollaOS using UBports installer, then upgrade through Android to the latest Android 12 version, then reinstall Ubuntu Touch using UBports installer? (I guess you can choose the port version on UBports installer?)
There's also maybe a way using SPflashtool (Windows) and select the ROM image zip to install the latest firmware, this should be done with Android partitions on the device, and don't know where to find Volla images and firmware.It would be nice to have advice from Volla 22 and X23 users.
1.If Vo LTE is. Working in halium 12,than why not other devices also ported to halium 12, and Vo LTE be implemented?
2. Atleast Teleport app be made installable in utnext noble 24.04. -
What can newbies do to help, other than donating? Enthusiastic and somewhat technical, but low in programming skills.