just read on the net that ubuntu touching is not dead and that UBports wants to continue to make it live. My question is what will the tablet have the new update?
Thank you -
As you probably heard in our Q&A session or read on the blog by now, we will take over all the "official" devices and maintain them with minor bug-fixes for now. It is uncertain, if all of the devices will make the jump to the new 16.04 base, because some of them are not capable of running that hardware-wise, so they will be kept as "legacy devices". But the M10 is actually one of the more promising candidates, since it is one of the more powerful devices.
we still did not make any plans which phones are supported to which degree or at which intervals. But we will try to keep the M10 in the list of supported devices, at least in the legacy branch.
Thank you for this good news because the M10 aquaris tablet is really nice to handle and Ubuntu touch even if it is still young is very much potential. The applications do not have ads as android, the fluidity is at the rendezvous. It is lacking for me ugg booster of google even if it is a browser that is criticized, google Chrome and also VLC. -
@Locamama for VLC I think this should be possible with a snap. But bear in mind that for a really good user experience the VLC team would need to make a "touchable" version of VLC. We can only encourage developers as soon as things are ready, but not take over their part.
We will definitely get there, for now the devs are working hard to get the fork up and running, we can still think of new features and apps later
coolcool cocoo@NeoTheThird said in Bq Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Touch:
We will definitely get there, for now the devs are working hard to get the fork up and running, we can still think of new features and apps later
I trust you will let us know when a new alpha release is available for testing.
I'm looking forward to it -
@MrHoliday Sure, we'll keep you posted. If you follow our blog or telegram group, you won't miss it.
@Flohack wrote some things the teams are currently working on on telegram, just to give you an idea:
[...] Try to find a way to take over neded infrastructure, servers etc. Then setting up a build chain so that we can actually build new system images. In parallel get OpenStore updated with some needed features and encourage all app builders to move there. In parallel decide which things need to be mirrored from Launchpad projects to Github in order to standardize our repository structure. [...]I know you guys are eager to get your feet wet with new images, but all we can say for now, is that they will come "soon". I know, this sucks, but have some patience, releases will come!
Yesterday i had to flash Android to my M10, because i need to use Android app. While it was somewhat laggy and incredible powerdrain under Ubuntu, it is nothing of a sort under Android.
When it was Ubuntu. 2A charger couldn't charge battery fast enough and battery drained like motherfucker, but now that it is Android there is no problem with that. If you forgot it on, battery dropped under 50% in just few hrs. Today it was on with Android and after 5hrs (standby) battery claimed it was still 100%.
Very sad that Ubuntu Touch was such a drag to run. I sure hope UBports can do better.
Firstly, please don't resurrect old topics. If you have a new issue, create a new topic for it.
Next, have you reported the battery drain as a bug? If you're not comfortable yet, please consider making a new topic asking other M10 users if they're experiencing the battery drain issue.
If you'd like to report a bug, please see the information at https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Writing-a-Good-Bug-Report
@UniSuperBox said in Bq Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Touch:
Firstly, please don't resurrect old topics. If you have a new issue, create a new topic for it.
Next, have you reported the battery drain as a bug? If you're not comfortable yet, please consider making a new topic asking other M10 users if they're experiencing the battery drain issue.
If you'd like to report a bug, please see the information at https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Writing-a-Good-Bug-ReportPour ma part pas de bogue, la batterie patient longtemp, j'écris sur la tablette M10 sous ubuntu ubports. Je l'ai chargé hier à 16h heure française, je ne l'ai pas éteinte et je suis à 7h38 (heure française) à 80% de charge
For my part no bug, the patient battery longtemp, I write on the M10 tablet under ubuntu ubports. I loaded it yesterday at 4pm French time, I have not extinguished and I am at 7:38 (French time) at 80% charge
I thought this was general topic for the M10.
I also thought heavy battery consumption was normal for the M10. First time i installed Android into it. Will try UBports version once it gets stable.
Insane battery consumption has been the issue with all my Ubuntu devices E 4,5 M10 and Meizu Pro 5.
It is great news that the M10 is one of the more promising devices as I sure would love to see mine living past this stage. I use mine more and more these days as I cannot be bothered to get the laptop out. So I am keen to see it live. I too will move to the UBPorts version once it is confirmed as stable. However, in saying that I have three, so I am sure that I can spare one ο. I am not linked via Telegram for the latest updates, but think it may be a way to go. Have you also got a mailing list, or would that be too big?
I too feel that the battery drain on the M10 was an issue, but nothing that I could not live with. I always turn flight mode on when I am not using it to try and save battery. This works quite well. The issue for me is how long it takes to charge. This is an insane amount and if this could be fixed, it would be a great bonus going forward. I will keep a look out for the new topic on battery life and add to it when I see it.
@Phil-UK I have an M10 fhd,it would drain the battery sometimes,because when it is switched it off,it would go to a blank looking screen, but if you looked carefully you could see it was still on,or the screen was not fully off, try watching exactly what it does when you turn it off.
@Marathon2422 Oh yes I remember this and it happened more on my E5 than the tablet. I raised a bug report for this, but it was never addressed and later I realised why.