Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
I had Windows VM running at some point, but I found it easier to dual boot, but I guess it is a matter of taste"Veteran" sounds so much better - from now on I am not a long time (old) linux user, but a veteran linux user
@lichten we're on Matrix too
@lichten How old is a vet. (65 here), oh, Welcome Aboard
Wie so einige andere Teilnehmer bin auch ich eifriger Linux-Nutze (seit ca. 20 Jahren) und verdrÀnge Windows so weit wie möglich.
Gerne wĂŒrde ich auch auf Android verzichten, da die Datensicherheit durch ein Google-System sicherlich nicht besser ist, als bei Windows. Daher habe ich bereits vor einigen Jahren versucht, ein vernĂŒnftiges Linux-System (vorwiegend Lubuntu) auf Tablets zu installieren - leider nur mit eingeschrĂ€nktem Erfolg.
Nachdem ich ebenfalls vor einigen Jahren ein Video von Mark Shuttleworth gesehen habe, auf dem er Ubuntu auf einem Smartphone gezeigt hat und prÀsentierte, wie dieses durch den Anschluss an einen Monitor als vollwertiger Computer zu nutzen ist, wollte ich das auch haben.
Erst geraume Zeit spÀter habe ich mir dann ein BQ Aquaris 5 mit Ubuntu Touch gekauft.
Meine Erwartungen, ein handliches System zu bekommen, das so flexibel und mit so vielen Paketen ausgestattet ist, wie ein Desktop oder zumindest wie ein Raspberry Pi, wurden leider stark enttÀuscht.
Dennoch habe ich dem Ubuntu Touch eine Weile eine Chance gegeben, musste jedoch erkennen, dass es im alltÀglichen Gebrauch mit einem Android-Handy nicht konkurrieren kann.
Nachdem dann auch noch eine Funktionsstörung beim Erkennen von Funknetzwerken dazu kam, die ich auch mit einer frĂŒhen Version von UBports nicht beheben konnte, habe ich das GerĂ€t bis vor einigen Monaten "pausiert".
Ich hatte mich dann also vor kurzem dazu entschieden, alle Daten und Einstellungen auf dem GerÀt zu löschen und das neueste UBports (OTA-5) von Grund auf zu installieren.
Bedauerlicher Weis musste ich erkennen, dass viele Apps, die ich vorher installiert hatte, unter dem neuen System nicht mehr funktionieren. AuĂerdem stĂŒrzt dieses angeblich stabile System vergleichsweise oft ab.
Meine Erfahrungen als Nutzer möchte ich daher gerne zum Anlass nehmen, die LĂŒcken möglichen Verbesserungen der Community bekannt zu geben und - sofern es meine Zeit und meine Programmierkenntnis erlauben - bei der Behebung zu helfen.
Ein Kritikpunkt ist z.B., dass bereits die Anmeldung zu diesem Forum mit einigen Hindernissen versehen war und mir vom UBports-Handy gar nicht möglich war.Ich hoffe hier einige konstruktive BeitrÀge leisten zu können.
@preduntu said in Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!:
Servus! Das Forum ist eigentlich nur englischsprachig, daher wĂŒrde ich dich ersuchen die folgende Telegram- Gruppe aufzusuchen, dort kannst du auch gerne in Deutsch weiter mitdskutieren: https://t.me/UBports_Deutsch
lg Florian
âLike so many other participants, I am also an avid Linux user (for about 20 years) and oust Windows as much as possible.
I would also like to do without Android, because the data security through a Google system is certainly not better than Windows. Therefore, I tried a few years ago, a reasonable Linux system (mainly Lubuntu) to install on tablets - unfortunately only with limited success.
After watching a video from Mark Shuttleworth a couple of years ago, showing Ubuntu on a smartphone and showing how to use it as a fully fledged computer by connecting it to a monitor, I also wanted it.
Only some time later I bought a BQ Aquaris 5 with Ubuntu Touch.
My expectations of getting a handy system that is as flexible and packed with as many packages as a desktop, or at least a Raspberry Pi, have been greatly disappointed.
Still, I gave the Ubuntu Touch a chance for a while, but had to realize that it can not compete with an Android phone in everyday use.
After a malfunction was detected in the detection of wireless networks, which I could not fix even with an early version of UBports, I have "paused" the device until a few months ago.
So I recently decided to delete all the data and settings on the device and install the latest UBports (OTA-5) from scratch.
Regrettably, I realized that many apps that I had previously installed did not work under the new system. In addition, this allegedly stable system crashes comparatively often.
I would therefore like to use my experiences as a user to announce the gaps in possible improvements to the community and - if my time and my programming knowledge permit - to help with the correction.
One point of criticism is, for example, that the registration for this forum already had some obstacles and was not possible for me from the UBports mobile phone.I hope to be able to make some constructive contributions here.â
@Preduntu I have taken the liberty of translating your post above.
Welcome to UBports have a look here https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to start you off as well as the German group suggested by @Flohack. As Florian said the forum is in english so please provide a translation for other users.
@lakotaubp: Sorry, I turned on the automatic translation and therefore I felt kind of native.
As wished I can express myself also in English.
Thank you for the translation. -
Hello everyone. My name is Denny. I've been interested in UT development for the past 3 years. Since it was still Cannonical. Im a huge fan. I can even say a fanatic, all that concerns UT and Unity. But I always read a lot and watched everything, studied, worked, read books on different programming languages, programmed for myself. Now there is a time that I can finally devote myself completely to what I have always been interested in. I want to contribute a lot to my favorite project, in any sphere. What do you need most? In what area (programming language) should I focus all my time and attention? I learn very quickly, especially for a project that means so much to me. I myself work as a translator for more than half of my life (German-Russian), and for 12 years I have been repairing phones, tablets, etc., I have my own service. Soldering, replacement of parts, firmware, etc. I myself only use Linux mainly Debian. I would like you to send me to the most necessary area for you and I would start working in the coming days. To not learn everything in a row (like me). And I worked on one thing that you advise. For a long time I have been very much watching the project and at the same time stand aside. I would like to spend time with benefit and already purposefully. Sorry, English is not my native language. Now I have a Nexus 5. Before that, I used the Nexus 4 and OnePlusOne. Really looking forward to your reply. I have everything in my arsenal. Including money. Thank you so much for your work and for the continuation of the UT project.
@dennydaad hi & welcome. If you're interested in helping the project with your programming skills but you don't know how or where to start, you can take a look to the open issues labeled "help wanted" or "good first issue" here https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues
Most of the code is at https://github.com/ubports/ You can take a look at it too to see if something catch your eye.
If you want to sponsor UT, please see https://ubports.com/donate
Hello there, my name is Erik. I have been using Linux exclusively for about 9 months. I saw a video about Ubiports and decided to give it a try. So I bought a Nexus 5 and installed it. I have been using it exclusively as my main phone since, about 3 days
Hello, my name is Rick, or tygerpro, I am currently unemployed but I have been doing manual labor or IT based jobs in the past. I first tried Ubuntu touch many years ago on a Asus tf201, and loved it, even though it was a half finished port. I have a Note 4 that I thought would be a good candidate for UT since it is a workhorse and has a stylus (a key reason ingot the note 4) and since I didn't see anyone working on it, I decided to start my contribution to something I personally would like on all my devices. I am willing to learn and help others where possible, and I am always open to a discussion if it pertains to UT or Ubuntu in general.
@tigerpro welcome!
@lotw Welcome to UBports, glad to see your enjoying Ubuntu Touch. You will find this useful to help get you started https://UBports.com/telegram-welcome
@tigerpro Good to have you here. You seem to know your way around but you can have the link as well https://UBports.com/telegram-welcome
@louies said in Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!:
@tigerpro welcome!
Thank You
@lakotaubp said in Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!:
@tigerpro Good to have you here. You seem to know your way around but you can have the link as well https://UBports.com/telegram-welcome
Thank You, I have been lurking here and there while trying to get my port going.
Hello from Paris!
I'm Freco, 36, and I'm spreading Linux since 2011 specially on old device (mostly Lubuntu, Mint XFCE, Puppy Linux).
In 2019 I decided to get a smartphone, excited by the developpement of anbox, and the next great interess that Ubuntu can create, so I buy a Nexus 5 to get the best experience of UT and convergence, in order to get UT for daily use.
See you!
@freco Hi and welcome to UBports and Ubuntu Touch. Use this link to get some basic info https://UBports.com/telegram-welcome and you know where we are if you need us.
sorry for the bold text I don't understand how to change it...
My name is Thierry, from Belgium, I'm very new to UBports, and my description is very near of Freco (I've also bought a N5 broken but usable, to stay tuned on smartphones, and learn how to repair it ), active in Open Source for a long time now, using Xfce for my desktops, I prefer velocity rather than shininess.
I code (almost for Blender) in Python and abit of /php-html. And I've never had a smartphone because of Google and Apple's monopolistic presence.
My N5 is for now only for testing, I'm on the dev update channel. At this stage I see that camera application is progressing I'd be happy to help with user experience if needed.
Keep UBports up, it seems very promising!tmaes
@tmaes Welcome to UBports have a read of this to get started https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome
@tmaes hi, welcome! and fixed that formatting issue
Explanation of the issue: this forum uses markdown so when you added those
for your signature that was interpreted as "show the above text as a header" (i.e. H2)