New browser excessively zoomed-in
@ubuntoutou I have on some websites, not all , just a few. Unable to fix it as well.
This is a known issue. AFAIK the OTA6 should fix all these issues.
@malditobastardo looking forward to it.
Same for me, only on few websites. Also, I cannot play some videos, i get an error message that adobe flash is missing.
Hello fellas...
I installed UT 16.04 and on some pages I'm experiencing this excessive zoom bug.In morph browser issue tracker, the issue #12 is about this bug, and is closed as solved.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Device: FP2
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 (2018-W46)Site experiencing zoom bug:
Some images:
@jezek please check
@malditobastardo I tried to install the pull request, as explained in @UniSuperBox 's post, but got this error:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo ubports-qa install morph-browser 89 [sudo] password for phablet: Už existuje:1 xenial InRelease ... Získava sa:10 PR-89/main armhf Packages [8 049 B] 14,7 kB sa stiahlo za 3 s (3 950 B/s) Načítavajú sa zoznamy balíkov... Hotovo Vytvára sa strom závislostí Načítavajú sa stavové informácie... Hotovo 29 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. W: No sandbox user '_apt' on the system, can not drop privileges Načítavajú sa zoznamy balíkov... Hotovo Vytvára sa strom závislostí Načítavajú sa stavové informácie... Hotovo Prepočítava sa aktualizácia... Hotovo Nasledovné balíky sa aktualizujú: content-hub dialer-app iproute2 libcontent-hub0 libkf5kirigami2-5 libpython2.7 libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib libpython3.5 libpython3.5-minimal libpython3.5-stdlib libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules-db libsystemsettings1 libtrust-store2 morph-browser morph-webapp-container python3.5 python3.5-minimal qml-module-morph-web qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2 qtdeclarative5-archives0.1 qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel qtdeclarative5-placesmodel0.1 qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content1 qtorganizer5-eds trust-store-bin ubports-qa-scripts ubuntu-system-settings 29 aktualizovaných, 0 nových nainštalovaných, 0 na odstránenie a 0 neaktualizovaných. Je potrebné stiahnuť 13,1 MB archívov. Po tejto operácii sa na disku použije ďalších 33,8 kB. E: Na /var/cache/apt/archives/ nemáte dostatok voľného miesta. ERROR:ubports-qa:Failed to run 'apt upgrade'. See the output above for details. INFO:ubports-qa:You can remove this repository by running 'sudo ubports-qa remove PR-89'
It says, that there is not enough space in
for upgrades, so the pull request is not installed and I can't test it.However, it's very nice to have a manual zoom feature in browser, but this is not the solution for this problem. Only a workaround. The old browser in 15.04 (oxide?) got the scaling right, without manual zoom. So it's a regression. Also I made myself a memrise webapp, which also suffers from the zooming bug and I doubt, that there is the manual resize button.
They told, that the zooming bug is fixed, but for me is clearly not. So I think, that an issue is needed to be opened (reopened). I came here, to hear you thoughts on opening an issue.
I've opened an issue in morph-browser repository on github. Please, confirm the bug or add another site(s) you find that are affected. Thanks.
I have the same issue on
It's a pain as I can't top up from there on my phone. -
My own website is zoomed in slightly too much with Morph - but it displays correctly sized in Android (in both mobile versions of Chrome and Firefox) and in the old UT Oxide based browser.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
I used the private chat in the forum, on pro5, keyboard was off the screen in portrait
I went to an Android tablet ,and still enlarge the note to full screen , and the icon for the person I was sending to was over the send button.
? Is this related somehow -
@totalsonic said in New browser excessively zoomed-in:
My own website is zoomed in slightly too much with Morph - but it displays correctly sized in Android (in both mobile versions of Chrome and Firefox) and in the old UT Oxide based browser.
Can you add your experience to github issue, please? If for some reason you can't, notice me, I will add it myself. Thank you.