uAdBlock Update
Many thanks to Malte Kiefer for the latest update of the extremely useful uAdBlock application (v 1.3.1). The options defined are explicit, but would it be possible for the author to specify concisely what the expected effects should be, in which situations before any new bug report.
Sincerely -
New update today.
New link for issues here on gitlab, not github as before. -
Now v 1.6.1 !! Simply a big thanks to Malte Kiefer for these very regular updates of the application which aim to make it more and more efficient.
@advocatux Does version 2.0.1 work for you ? I don't think for myself. I wonder if the lists are imported (correctly) or if it is something else.
@domubpkm yes, so far so good. What number do you see in the line "Blocklists"?
@advocatux It isn't zero if that's what you were thinking about..
But yes i deleted files, uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it's ok now. But it doesn't seem possible to me to choose, for example, to block social networks as in previous version. For example isn't blocked.
Having the uAdBlock installed with all boxes ticked I'm still experiencing a lot of annoying ads. The clustered blacklists are all predefined. Is there an option to add certain advertisers/data miners manually either one-by-one or clustered in the app (+ using /* to exclude any variant) ?
Main reason for me to go the UT route is to de-Google and move away from Android and Apple - using duckduckgo as search engine - yet there's a substantial number of ads from google appearing all day long from Google or derived from google adservice and alikes.
@3T_Ed I don't think there is an issue open for what you want. See and open a new one if necessary
@3T_Ed There's nothing much what you can do regarding the Google ads. Even Brave browser, which is blocking third parties cookies and ads, does let through these ads (altough Brave gives you the
option to block them as well). It all depends on the sites that you are visiting. -
The uAdBlock app has a predefined number of lists (currently 14 lists). Could we please have a feature that would enable the user to add host-file URL's/ sources manually? Or at least have a centralized repository/thread here on the forum we can add/propose lists in order to have those included in the next uAdBlock release to get maximum privacy and non-tracking based on the community input?
With the increasing number of data miners, advertising firms and other obscure online businesses tracking us right now I feel the users have absolutely no grip or control on the ones they'd like to be blocked due to the restrain of uAdBlock not having the option of entering additional lists.
edit 1: typos
@3T_Ed there is an issue open -
Thanks for pointing to that issue, that would be a great start for further improvements -