Problem restoring history.sqlite file
Now i succeeded installing last ubports OS on my MX4, i started restoring my data.
I backed it up via wifitransfert, cloning the entire phablet folder.First i cloned back the contact.db and photo folder attached to in evolution\adressboock\system folder, then restarted phone and voilà, contacts back.
Then i intended to do the same with history.sqlite + attachments folder cloned in history-service folder then restarting phone, but it's a fail.
Phone restart took longer, then messaging app took a loooong time to load, with a circle rounding, but when finished, nothing on phone, not a single old message.
Tried without attachments folder, same.
Tried to delete history-deamon.lock (that wasn't on my old ota 15 system), same, and daemon file automatically recreated by system.
Noticed a new file was created after attempt to restore old history files : history.sqlite-journal.
What am i doing wrong?
Thank to you, don't know if that's linked but everything is fine now, history.sqlite-journal disappeared, some messages went nowhere, but now it's ok!!!Maybe the history.sqlite-journal was a "work in progress" by the phone to restore this quite big database files (186Mio total, 1700 files in attachment).
How did you restore your home data? Perhaps a problem with the directory/file permission?
Also, do you use the same sim card? I think using a different sim will not show the old data. -
I used wifitransfert as i did for backing all phablet and then restore contact.db
I tried first without and then with same sim card as before upgrading mx4. -
So i ran some tests...
I got a very old (2016) back up of history.sqlite and attachments files, and restored it, and it worked, no history.sqlite-journal created by os.
The tried again my actual history-service files and again, doesn't work, and history.sqlite-journal created.
The very old sqlite file is 368Kio, the actual is 2.4Mio, and "journal" created is 1.3Mio.
I think it's a matter of size or something to do with number of messages in conversations.
I searched a messages limite option but nothing.I think i'm pretty stuck right here, except if someone has a solution to this, someone with a really good knowledge of the system...
Mine is 5.2 MB and works. I also transfer my data from devices to devices. Can you try sending an SMS after you restored the file? Would be better if the contact is someone you have an existing thread already.
Is yours comes from a canonical OTA-15 phone?
Have you a history.sqlite-journal file created after restoring it? -
@Keneda Yes, my SMS/Calls data goes way back 2015
And no, I don't have that journal file.
Thank to you, don't know if that's linked but everything is fine now, history.sqlite-journal disappeared, some messages went nowhere, but now it's ok!!!Maybe the history.sqlite-journal was a "work in progress" by the phone to restore this quite big database files (186Mio total, 1700 files in attachment).