Ho to display music info on multimédia player?
Hi all,
I play a song with the help of QtMultilediaPlayer from UbuntiComponents. I have set all metadata I can, but the multimedia player controller (top of phone where we can up/down volume or mute) is empty. I can only play/pause. No title and no cover display.
There is something to do? The only notable difference with music-app, is I play a song instead of a playlist. Do I need to do it?
Does your audio file contain any tags? Maybe the media-hub (which is playing the audio using gstreamer) ignores the meta data you have set and only uses the information it extracts from the file.
@wdehoog thank you very much for your help. The name is "media-hub" I have found it https://github.com/ubports/media-hub
I don't set any meta-data on the file. But maybe I need to do it ?
And after some search I have found the commit in music-app https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/music-app/-/commit/840de21049c0af61056ee6bafd4b51652bd73453 it seams to be related to playlist of qtmultimedia player! I'll try tonight
@manland Sorry. I am confused. In your first message you say ' I have set all metadata' and now you say 'I don't set any meta-data '. What is it that you do?
@wdehoog Hahaha sorry... I haven't set metadata in file. I have set metadata of QtMultimediaplayer in qml code https://api-docs.ubports.com/sdk/apps/qml/QtMultimedia/MediaPlayer.html#sdk-qtmultimedia-mediaplayer-metadata-albumartist
I can try to extract and/or append those metadata in the file directly to see if it's change something.
@manland So you are sure your audio file does not contain any metadata?
Another question is the file located on your phone or do you sue a remote url?
I ask since I am currently messing around with this media-hub and it's meta-data. I want it to use (preview)image embedded in the stream and tags from internet radio streams.
I have a hard time understanding what is going on. So I am really curious what is not working in your case. -
@wdehoog No I'm not sure... I need to try to extract to see if it contain something! Have you some code available to see if I do something bad?
And finally it work! I have added information on the track with help of taglib. I have search in media-hub but not found any reference to QMultimediaPlayer or something to give information of the current track (like dbus or other system). But I have find lot of metadata files parsing. After using taglib to add some informations on my track i'm able to display them in the HUD!
Thank you for your help @wdehoog