Futify (spotify client) need beta testers
@chrisse can you test with last version here please? For the queue bug I think it's due to bad download file. Sometimes spotify refuse to start download but it happens 1 song on 100 for me not every time! I need to show errors in qml to let you (and other users) know what is wrong.
In any case please don't hesitate to open an issue specially if you have a reproduction case! It will help me
@manland said in Futify (spotify client) need alpha testers:
@ernest I have finally sucessfully compiled an arm64 build \o/ Can you give it a try please? https://gitlab.com/frenchutouch/futify/-/jobs/573883662/artifacts/file/build/aarch64-linux-gnu/app/futify.frenchutouch_1.0.0_arm64.click If you can confirm it work I will do a PR to be able to build golang apps to arm64 ubtouch ^^
Thank you for this. I tried the arm64 app on oneplus3 but I was not able to login. I checked the login from the web and it seems correct, but in Futify when I press login, then nothing seems to happen.
@joe Is the account the free one? that does not work it needs to be premium.
@Lakotaubp Thanks.. I figured that might be it. Indeed it was a free account.
awsome, so far seems to work great! thanks for making this
..now just need audible and i can leave my android home forever lol
home page is blank, is it supposedto be? bit fddly usingthe play buttons at the top of the que list, but i wonder if home page is supposedto have a larger play interface?
i am confusedhow to play a playlist, first one i played, i hit the play button top right, and it started fine, selected a different playlist and hit play top right again, nothing happens, the playlist is qued, but it doesnt download or play
actually it just crashed when i pressed play again
.. sorry i cant access github to submit bug at the moment, i can drop logs here if you want ( let me know which)
@pixelated Yes, I had the same issue
@manland said in Futify (spotify client) need alpha testers:
I will try tomorrow or next week with the latest version.
@chrisse and @pixelated yes should be fixed in last build if not the case please open an issue with exact scenario and playlist name
@pixelated home page blank is my next Todo task I think I have found what to put in it
@Lakotaubp Why is that a problem actually?
@Lakotaubp said in Futify (spotify client) need alpha testers:
Ok interesting, here is the explanation: This will remain the case for the foreseeable future, as we are unlikely to work on implementing the features such as limited skips and adverts that would be required to make librespot compliant with free accounts.
@Flohack Thanks for the answer. Now I know why.
Thanks for this effort! Could you configure the CI to keep its artefacts a little longer? I am on the road and latest build already has its artefacts removed.
@jonius Yes of course I will! I have relaunch the last build if you are here https://gitlab.com/frenchutouch/futify/-/pipelines/156270318
From Alpha to Beta test
from 1 week retention artifact to 1 month
click on track in queue to switch to it
debug lot of bug around queue, play state and clear queue
close #9 add user metrics about songs played
close #15: start song when click on it
add home view
Latest click packages:
Have fun
@manland - working well on Meizu Pro 5 (armhf) RC channel. Thank you for your work on this!
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
Thank you for this new build! Huge improvements on my Nexus 5.
Now I can click on songs to play them and I can easily navigate through the songs in the queue.
Another improvement: when I search for songs while listening to a playlist or an album, if I click on a song from my search results, it plays directly, it is not added last in the queue.
The only problem so far: when charging a long playlist, the queue is kind of blocked until all the songs are loaded. In this case, if I click on another song from my search results, it doesn't play and is added last in the queue instead. I tried several times and I think that it happens only when the queue is not fully loaded. If I have a queue fully loaded (I have only tried with albums or short playlists, I haven't had the time to wait until a long playlist is fully loaded), then I can play another song from my search results without problems.I haven't had the time to play around much more, but just one small thing that could be improved in my opinion: when you make a search and find an album, if you click on it, it displays the album first, and then the songs. You can click on the songs, but if you want to play the whole album, you have to click on the small play icon (top right). It could be easier to click on the album on the top of the list, like you do with songs.
Kudos for the good work! I look forward to making more testing!
I am trying to log in using my wife premium account but nothing happens. Maybe that's because she uses her Facebook account to do it?
Thanks a lot for your great work! -
@malditobastardo Ain't working for me needer and I ain't using facebook as login.