Anyone have Linux phone for sale?
Never buy "replacement" batteries, always try to find a genuine one.
For example for my MX4, genuine is "BT40" (edit : from Sony), and can be easily found on the net.And yes, replacement screens for phone are very cheap most time, i bough one for my MX4, but backlight was terrible (high clouding), touch feeling not good (feel like touching sand), and sizing was quite different...
I finished buying an androïd MX4 and used its screen to replace my uTouch MX4 one. -
Just to clarify may last post:
I was selling my Sony X with UT and posted a link on the forum here but it has now been sold to another forum member.
Good luck with your search Nathan123.
@Lakotaubp said in Anyone have Linux phone for sale?:
Random posting of any you find and especially ones without UT but could be flashed to UT no, not really. We are not a market place, but we can be very helpful to our fellow Forum members when asked.
OK so i'll give him the link i found if he answers us, as we even don't know from where he buys and from what markets he can/want buy lol.
@gudishvibes There is like 10 different threads about it on this forum. but TLDR the Polarcell ones are generally recommended. The Nexus5 isn't exactly great on battery life even with a brand new battery though.
@gudishvibes said in Anyone have Linux phone for sale?:
@poVoq what batteries do you recommend by brand? (i just realised this directly contradicts @Keneda's advice, but i guess third party batteries are second choice)
Just checked and for Nexus 5 you can find genuine batteries for cheap.
"BL-T9" from LG, less than 10$. -
Getting a bit OT for this thread now on batteries. It is about an UT phone after all.
@Keneda True, but in many cases easier sad than done. I ended with Polarcell battery from Ebay for my Lumia and it is perfect!
@Nathan123 I have a Nexus 5 with UT 16.04 (OTA-11). You can have it as I plan to buy a PinePhone when stable. It's 4 months old and rarely used.
@ToxyPoxy I don't like buying things like that from China anyway. Nothing against Chinese people.
@C0n57an71n Sounds good. PM me. I will give you some money if u want.