OpenStore stuck with refresh icon
I recently installed UBports on a Fairphone 2. It worked fine for a while, however recently, the OpenStore hangs. When I open it, it only shows forever the blue loading icon as if it were trying to refresh some apps. (The GUI is not frozen, I can switch to other tabs, login into OpenStore, etc, but the list is being loaded forever and no apps appear).
Is there a way to reset this app?
Maybe there is some problem with the mirror where the apps are being downloaded from? Can I change this mirror somehow?
Dumb question, did you reboot?
I have this issue when my data connection is broken, try on wifi maybe? -
It is with Wifi connection. Cellular data I have them off always.
Yes, I tried rebooting.
@ferdymercury Try swoping update channels stable to RC or RC to Stable or such and see if that fixes it. If it does you can go back to what ever you are on now.
I was on Devel. I changed now to Stable, updated, and restarted the phone. But still facing the same issue.
Today there was an update to OpenStore 3.0.12 and now it works well.
@ferdymercury I've experienced the same thing just about the same time, but on Ubuntu 20.04 desktop, same with the AppStore, but only for 2 hours. I wonder if they are related...:face_with_raised_eyebrow:
OpenStore is not related to any other store.