Xiaomi Redmi 7 review and beginner questions?
Ho Nice! I didn't Know this website.
Enjoy this beautiful OS! -
@tchan the developement of the Xiaomi Redmi 7 seems to make progress. Could you inform us, when the Ubports installer for the Redmi 7 is there?
This post is deleted! -
The work in progress is there https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android9/xiaomi-redmi-7/xiaomi-onclite .
I read on the Telegram group that is testable but I didn't try.
You have to do it with fastboot but can't tell you more, you know I'm not the porter, but I think the porter is a very good one.
I hope this phone will be in the official list soon.
@tchan Thanks tchan. Thanks for not deleting this post.
I hope this phone will be in the official list soon.
@ tchan Yes, if the Ubports Community wants to be a contemporary and up to date Community, they will put the Xiaomi Redmi 7 on the list of the official supported devices, as soon as the installer is there.
The Xiaomi Redmi 7 is now I the installer so this thread can be close.
Everything works well in this port for what I can try.
Installer works very well as well.Thanks everyone in the community who make this and other things happened!
@tchan Closing now.