OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features
Grouping icons, change wallpaper in Scope.
Custom SMS sound. -
Capability to change the font and the size (I find it to be somewhat fine and small)
Capability to close all open apps with a single gesture
Re-position lower, the dialer and the contacts icon (ease of use)
T9 dialing
A forward/back gesture, where possible, to navigate opened apps. The back arrow to the top left of the screen necessitates two hand use especially on the larger devices
Improved camera performance
1- Remove ubuntu store.
2- make open store replace ubuntu store.- other ideas concepts said before this post.
Maybe finally make the convergence mode work properly(e.g. app not crashing or closing, sound over Aethercast)
More polishing of UI.
And the most importantly fixing the most critical bugs in network connectivity (mobile, bluetooth, wifi bugs)
That would more than suffice for Ota-3 -
I would like to see a stable os,with any minor fixes added as we go along,at a time interval that is suitable and is common knowledge for the users that want something that just works.works
Like a Chinese knock off of a xiaomi 7 inch phone/tablet I have that seems to be indestructable,and just keeps going and going
Maybe an alternative os (download), that has convergence,and the apps,to get started,for those that can use it and improve it, (maybe 16.04)
In order of decreasing importance:
- stability and bug fixes in general.
- bluetooth in general and in particular improve car kit support. I only know one working combination and it's sound quality is a nightmare.
- re-add more of the missing canonical core functionality in particular some missing parts of today and nearby scopes (dayinfo (!!), holidays, where I am, etc) I understand that in long term scopes may not continue to exist the way they are now, but for now many facilities from the aggregate scopes are something that I miss in everyday use. They can be deactivated by default. But I believe the user should have the choice to switch them on if he wants to.
- aethercast support. You don't always have a cable at hand and more and more TV sets support miracast natively. Why not use it when it is so close?
Keep up the good work!
- A feature to pin an object with symbol to the dash to be opened with standard program assigned to the object type
(use case: ticket for public transportation is a picture so i want a symbol for it in the dash that immediately opens the galery with this ticket)
- A feature to pin an object with symbol to the dash to be opened with standard program assigned to the object type
To add to the nextcloud / owncloud request. Apps for Notes and Bookmars which are synchronized with the Cloud would be awesome. -
Don't know it's just a request, actually we can install it with ubuntu silo installer, but... it's a dangerous way to modify our system. -
First, thanks for all the great work made on the OS by the ubports team, it's wonderfull !!!
I would like to see juste a little improvement of the design, for exemple :
return of translucidity of background of password in lockscreen with the clock and date on m10
possibility to start on desktop mode on the tablet (allowing to have shortcut and folde on desktop screen)
improvement of design of the scoopes for my video, my music...(size, presentation..) a little like it was on Ubuntu edge(or like the scope cinema by daniele)
a new scope my doc with the same design
a home scope highly customisable
thanks for the translucidity of the scoope it's perfect
different theme for the unity, like unity 7 (translucidity) and others
different animation effects when opening app and having one gesture to close directly an app
perhaps you have best ideas to make UT Ubports the most beautiful and customisable OS
thanks for all
hervé from france -
- bugfixes;
- bluetooth (this is mandatory whit car kits due to many countries laws);
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1261191
- make fonts in notification indicator slight bigger and return to white (gray is unreadable)
- evaluate dekko2 as default mail client. Make optional gmail webapp
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/webapps-sprint/+bug/1389775
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/camera-app/+bug/1442670
- add the ability to disable the scope star icon (so scopes are not accidentally disabled)
- Reintroduce at least today scope
- (If still in topic) https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1512494
- introduce left and right arrows in keyboard since to select a point in text (eg to correct a word) is really a pain
@TheUlpio said in OTA 3 suggestions: your wanted features:
- introduce left and right arrows in keyboard since to select a point in text (eg to correct a word) is really a pain
Fully agreed. How someone at Canonical could invent a kbd w/o such keys and how could this pass any acceptense test?
@TheUlpio I think that "slideing idea", discussed a while ago, was quite interesting. I just would like to change it a little bit, and say that it would be better that you have to put the finger in the middle of the space key and reverse/forward the cursor by sliding left/right.
The advantage with that is that it can be used in combination with the gesture feature where you type words by sliding between the keys following the spelling of the word.
@hans1977se Yes, this would be the more elegant choice, another option would be simply improve text area touch precision. I've installed android for a while on my phone and its keyboard has never shown inaccuracies
@TheUlpio Actually the only two real problems i see with the current keyboard are those ridiculously small markers that are not able to switch between position below and above text, and that very annoying automatic paste function.
Also auto-complete doesn't really work, but i'm not sure there is any phone in the world that does that well.
@hans1977se Well, on my BQ e4.5 using the keyboard involves 50% of typing errors. trying to tap on the wrong letter to correct it (right after the wrong letter, so i can delete it) is almost impossible. The smallest interval to move the marker is too big and involves 3-4 letters, so often is better to delete entire sentences than try to place the marker in the right place (also swipe markers is a pain). With android installed on the same phone this doesn't happen, no typing errors, so i never needed to try marker placement. (ah, i don't have so big fingers
Many good proposals, I just want to add -> full disk encryption.
@TheUlpio You should try tapping somewhere else first, and then try to tap where you want the cursor again. I usually get to the right position in maximum three tries that way.
@advocatux ...and support for ext4 fs on sdcard