Halium 7.1 Test Channel
@moem Well now Moem. I never expected you to look like that. And you can dance too. <g>
Cliff. -
@cliffcoggin The more you know!
So I finally have a day off work and installed devel-halium. Great work!!:smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
First issue I have is:
- Opening a new tab by swiping up from bottom edge (directly from the middle) in morph browser is difficult/impossible/unresponsive, almost as if there is a dead zone. If you swipe up from either side of the middle, the action works as normal.
OK, it seems this is happening in all apps in which there is a bottom edge tab.
Tested in Phone app and messages app. I don't recall this being an issue on the normal RC channel.Edit: Also happening if you pull down the indicator bar, middle zone unresponsive, to the left or right of middle zone and it works.
- Dead zone has been fixed right now, should be in tomorrows build
(Was a missing commit from 5.1)
- Anbox binder has been added
- Dead zone has been fixed right now, should be in tomorrows build
I had the same issue on MX4, fixed in OTA16, don't know if it was intended or not, but i hope it'll stay like this in next OTA :grinning_face_with_sweat: -
@Flohack Having seen a happy penguin dancing, I didn't know that the forum supported gif format! Is it recent?
Let's hope this function for the app Gallery. -
@domubpkm No idea what the forum can do xD
Can anyone else confirm that automatic brightness is not working with the latest update?
@loops It seems to be working here. The slider is moving; it's a little harder to see whether the brightness gets adjusted, but that seems to be the case.
@moem said in Halium 7.1 Test Channel:
it's a little harder to see whether the brightness gets adjusted, but that seems to be the case.
Simple to see, make the room dark, then point a flashlight on the light sensor for few seconds, then turn off flashlight, you'll see directly if the brightness adjustement works.
Automatic Brightness doesn't work on my device.
But Camera is much better, and what I really like is that you can doubletap the display to wake the device up :-)) -
@messayisto said in Halium 7.1 Test Channel:
Automatic Brightness doesn't work on my device.
Automatic brightness didn't work for me, too, after the update. As well as rotation. Since I've already run into the latter problem recently, I've powered the device off and on and automatic rotation and brightness were back. Note, just rebooting the device might not be enough.
Well, even though, changing environmental lighting conditions has an observable effect on screen brightness, sensitivity could indeed be more intense. Don't know if it is worse than on stable channel, since this device is only used occasionally.
@padu thank you, this did the trick to me! Hope the sun will shine tomorrow to test sensitivity outside...
@padu said in Halium 7.1 Test Channel:
ess were back. Note, just rebooting the device might not be enough.
Oneplus OneΒ΄s sensor services crash from time to time, thats a pity. Normally only a reboot can fix that.
Oh seems no sensors work at all, not even after reboot. Is this confirmed?
@flohack after reboot, i did get sensors back working. SensorStatus also re-confirmed that sensors are working.
Rebooted again and still working.
@flohack version 75 with everything updated and two restarts sensor status is showing nothing. Going to tedt gps now.
Update gps wirking fine. -
@flohack said in Halium 7.1 Test Channel:
Oh seems no sensors work at all, not even after reboot. Is this confirmed?
Yeah, confirmed by my post to the OTA-16 RC topic. I did the obvious and restarted the device before posting, but that didn't help. Will next time test if rebooting more than once makes a difference. (Sounds unlikely, though.)
@padu Seems it makes a difference, I had them back after 3rd reboot. The problem existed already with the old port, I hope its not worse with 7.1
I pulled my Oneplus One out of retirement a couple of days ago. It had LineageOS 17.1 on it. The installation of UT proceeded without issue. (I installed Stable). I changed to the halium-devel channel, and I'm currently running Version 74.
Rotation and Adjust brightness automatically both work without issue.
I had stopped using the Oneplus One a month ago because I couldn't get mobile data to work. With UT CALLS/SMS/MMS (ATT mvno), camera, Notification LED all work.
Thank you UT Team.