Just got a phone and loaded UT using the installer. I've got no WIFI and no cellular data.
@lakotaubp I just bought one cause my FP2 was driving me insane. It should come in a couple of days. I don't know what rom's on it, but another seller claimed to have had lineage 18 installed on it. If it's true, it's a custom rom, but it should do the trick, firmware and partition wise, no ?
@bibaleebu btw, i suppose you've checked this ? It provides what's supposedly the last android package for opo:
@emphrath Someone on the TELEports Install group just had a Nexus 5 with linage 18.1 on they ended up repartitioning it and wiping the dalvik cache and data. Juts be prepared.
I just received my OPO and... Gods be damned I'm having the same trouble than @bibaleebu except that I don't even have working calls or any network at all (it doesn't even see my simcard) All of this was working before. Prior to flashing UT, it was running cyanogen, but I flashed every bit of the firmware according to this thread BEFORE I flashed UT:
Including the RADIO part. Maybe I shouldn't have. I'm now trying halium devel but judging from @bibaleebu experience I think it won't help -
Indeed it didn't.
@emphrath I also encountered this issue yesterday. I picked up a OPO second hand which had some version of CM on it.
I followed all the steps everyone else did, flashing the firmware files from the latest build and trying several release channels.
I had SIM card but no wifi at one point, then switching channel and I lost the SIM.
What I eventually did was restored the original OxygenOS firmware on the device from http://oxygenos.oneplus.net/OnePlus_Bacon_OxygenOS_201601190107.zip and had everything working again in Android. I then started anew. I chose the development channel and voila everything is working now.
I'm unsure what happens behind the scenes that's made a difference in my case I'm just happy to be working with it already!
@daereth The stock OS for the AOOO1 is NOT OxygenOS. It's Cyanogen 12.1. The only valid ROM out there is here: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=24369303960686196
Then follow this thread: https://www.thecustomdroid.com/restore-on/
You might be in trouble at the last part (flashing userdata image), at least it was the case for me - I had corrupted the user partition. Fastboot gave me an error message. In that case, flash a twrp recovery, go to wipe/advanced/reformat partition (data, obviously) and format it to ext4, then back to f2fs. Then, back to fastboot, and you can flash the user partition appropriately.
@bibaleebu THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I managed to boot on something again
Well UT installer goes through, but at the end of the process, when the recovery performs the update on its own ,i'm left on the recovery screen, it doesn't reboot by itself. And now it won't boot further than the splash screen ><
I tried with satble channel, and now i'm in a bootloop
Ok. After almost three days of continuous try and error, I finally have a working OPO, complete with cellular and wifi ><
I would just like to share a few thoughts and ask a couple of questions. When I received the phone, I'm now confident it was running Oxygen, most likely the last version available for bacon. I flashed the firmware from the zip in the related thread (last Oxygen update) and it might already have been a mistake, because it probably was already running the last firmware available. Then I made a mistake for sure : I flashed non_static nvbk.bin to modem. It's meant to be flashed on stanoppo sth. If you read the thread "article needed for firmware update" somebody actually noticed this, but it has not been corrected in the main tutorial post, which resulted in me flashing two images in the same modem partition. Then, I tried to install UT, and had no modem (obviously). In the following attempts to install various roms and firmwares, I failed to notice than the user partition was not being properly read, and it happened after every installation of UT. So, one probably needs to format it from twrp or fastboot (the latter being more inconsistent in my experience). I finally managed to boot on something: CyanogenMod 12.1, after I manually flashed every bit of firmware and system partitions. But Installing UT on that resulted in a bootloop or a static splash screen. I then decided to install Oxygen OS, without flashing anything prior to sideloading the zip, in the hope that what "made it boot" wouldn't be erased by whatever firmware OxygenOS flashed in the install process (which did NOT boot by itself). I had to erase a string from a google script called "updater" in the Oxygen zip to bypass the check for "OnePlus" resulting in the infamous error :"this is a A0001". And here I am. So, what the hell ? Am I running an opo with half cyanogen 12.1 firmware, half Oxygen ? Is there a need to still flash anything from the Oxygen firmware now that it boots ? Does anybody understand anything about this absolute nonsense ?
On a lighter tone: it seems my proximity sensor doesn't work. The screen doesn't shut down when I pass a call and sensorstatus gets no data from it. I'm pretty sure it worked on android. All in all it's a minor inconvenience but I fear it's related to some firmware issue... -
@emphrath Do you think then that the latest Oxygen for the OPO changes the partitions somehow from the original Cyanogen that the OPO port was based on? Also seems that the firmware update should not be done till after UT is installed.
@lakotaubp I agree with the latest statement. And yeah, partitions have to be different in some way
@emphrath A partion change would explain the install problems but it's not something I know about. Would be good to be able to say for certain, then you could say.... make sure you have original cyanogen OS installed and partitions are correct, check everything works then install UT and then and only then update firmware and radio.
@lakotaubp I can't do that, because installing UT over cyanogen thoroughly bricks the phone
I had to install OxygenOS over the manually flashed Cyanogen in order for UT to (I guess) get the partitions it expects. Now indeed I'd like to know if I need to flash any additional firmware since the last OS I installed was the Oxygen zip provided in the article for firmware thread. That should have flashed its contained firmware bits by itself, shouldn't it ?
@emphrath I would have thought so.