Ubuntu Touch Q&A 107 Saturday 28th August at 19:00 UTC
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 107 will be this Saturday 28th of August at 19:00 UTC. As well as the latest news on Ubuntu Touch development and updates we will be answering your much appreciated questions. Forum questions will get priority so post them here before the event or during the live show using Youtube Livechat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-HanW1NIrA and Telegram.
Please remember that questions on porting to device **** or it's status, and questions on bugs will not be answered
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App Roundup:
Hacker News reader by David Ventura: frequenting our App Dev group David has been making rapid progress on this app and it is looking great, will be fun to see it progress.
Network Speed Test by Francesco Padovani: test your network speed, and watch a cute animation of a cat.
Also check out the new apps from Piotr Lange has made for various math calculations, including a binary calculator, a prime number checker, and greatest/lowest common factor finder.
I often see people making the negative amalgam between the level of maturity of UT on the PinePhone (base OS, graphical stack and applications) with that on android phones.
Shouldn't it be made clearer that there are two Ubuntu Touch, UT_HL (halium/libhybris, (old different) android kernels and drivers) and UT_ML ((new) MainLine kernel, wayland, linux drivers) ?And a detailed graphic comparing the two different stacks of software would be a very good thing to make it understandable to all and to facilitate the exchanges on this subject.
I just realized that the documentation has made some progress on this topic and gives information on the differences between "Android 5.1 based ports, Halium based ports, Linux kernel"
But these are not concepts that someone who wants to choose the best device for the present and the future will access by consulting https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/And differences about graphical stacks, drivers and consequences (applications functionality) are not made explicit.
Have experiments begun on the Volla with Halium 10?
@ubportsnews Another 20.04 question (sorry if this has been asked before): According to the Ubuntu package database, package
is not part of the Focal package repositories any more. What will contact and calendar synchronization be based on in Focal based UT? -
@libremax Good points. I think having device "Ubuntu Touch port base" would be good as part of the "Device Specifications." That way the people wanting a "mainline kernel device" could just search for that term, for example?