Only some apps can use internet connection
Hello. I have some troubles with Dekko2, Axolotl and uRadio. These apps have no connection to internet. The problem has started on October. I have e-mail till 29thSemptember on Dekko2. But my device (Sony Xperia 10) could reach the internet, because I can use Teleports (or Telegram), Morph browser or OpenStore without any restrictions. What should I have to look for on logs files to find out what is wrong?
@becherekmg This sounds like it maybe Devices specific. Have you tried reinstalling UT. I don't have this device and it appears inactive You may need to contact the device porter for help. In the mean time I will move this to the device sub forum.
@becherekmg What channel are you on (stable, rc, devel)?
@arubislander I am on devel - downloaded from this site
@becherekmg Do you receive regular updates?
@arubislander Do you mean updates of applications? Yes, I receive these updates. I have Axolotl 1.0.7, Dekko 2 0.3.3 and uRadio 2.2.3. And UT Tweak Tool tells that my distro is Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS.
According to Lakotaubp's post could reinstalling UT help me? -
If you're on devel channel you should have regularly a pop up for a new system update OTA (over the air).
If not, you can check for updates in the system settings.Applying these updates act as re-flashing your phone, it overwrites the system partition...
Well, not exactly, as when you stay on the same channel, only the files changed in last update are overwrited.From OTA 18 to OTA 19 i had only about 20Mo updated files, and some changes i made on system messaging app where not overwrited (wich i appreciated).
On the other hand, if you change the update channel, i.e. from stable to rc or the opposite, there, will be a full system rewrite.