Status report for VoLTE
How developed is VoLTE support? Can we expect services like Verizon to start working any time soon?
@triguy Not in the immediate future.
Studies are underway to make this technology available for free operating systems such as Ubuntu Touch.The priority of development is currently dedicated to the migration of the operating system to Ubuntu 20.04 repositories, which is a titanic task.
Then, integration work will be undertaken for the Vollaphone, and if successful, eventually to other devices.
So I assume that VolTE will not be operational for another 6 to 12 months at best. -
@stanwood Thank you. I think that 20.04 definitely takes precedence because Xenial is very very old. Maybe a more up-to-date base will make it easier to support new devices. I guess I’ll check back in half a year…
Thank you that is a clear statement VoLte possibly in 12 months. So I won't have to ask that question anymore. I think Ubuntu Touch will work much better with Ubuntu 20-04 as a substructure. I understand that this will be a Mahmut project for the developers. Good luck guys, you can do it already