Clean the clipboard
How to clean the clipboard directly (without workaround) at will under UT ? Is there a linux command line ?
I don't think we can.
And I don't know why one would want to do itThe RAM usage of the clipboard is usually small and freed when needed.
I don't think there is any complex clipboard with history and such...
From a security stand point, if the RAM is being read then freeing the memory won't erase the data until the sectors are reused.I'm curious why you're looking for this kind of feature?
@applee In a way, this is possible from File Manager, but this option only appears after copying a file. I don't see why this option is not permanent.
Yes, from a security point of view: for example, so as not to leave something sensitive in the clipboard that could inadvertently be pasted into an internet data field and maybe seen. With a translator for example.
Another option could be to include this option in the OSK maybe.
another workaround is to copy to clipboard an empty string, or just a dot or something meaningless.
@jezek This is what I have always done when necessary because there is no permanent simpler one-touch solution.