Could someone turn the (Hue) lights on again ?
Hello everyone,
I am looking for an app that would control a Philips v1 Hue bridge (it is compatible with Lidl connected bulbs and plugs !). There are two on the openstore :
- Radiate : Does not seem to work. I get a "Error : Couldn't find a bridge" message on my N5.
- Shine : No longer available as it was compiled with 15.04 SDK and never rebased.
Shine seems to be a great app and it is a pity that it was never ported to Xenial. Only 9 apps out of 23 developped by Michael Zanetti are still available on the store. This problem was raised a few years ago now.
There is a tutorial on this forum to port apps but this is WAY beyond my skills.
Does anyone feel able to find a solution ?
@gwengui May be you can use nymea:core and nymea:app ?
@libremax If I understand correctly, Nymea needs to be installed on a dedicated server (Raspsberry Pi being the best option) with a dedicated bridge to drive my Lidl/Zigbee devices.
That is too much money and work while you can get an obsolete second hand v1 Hue bridge for 5€.
"dedicated server" can be your desktop.
Plus, nymea is for making home connected, not only lights. -
I know that Nymea is clearly more powerful than Hue but I use a laptop, rent my appartment and already own the Hue/Zigbee stuff.I am pretty sure that "Shine" needed a huge amount of time to be created. It would be great if someone could port it to Xenial.
I would like to thank @lduboeuf who took time to recompile Shine for both armhf and arm64. The source code is still on github. The app should be back on the openstore soon but you can find it on the french telegram group :
Now a small tutorial to set up Shine :
- Install Shine,
- Open it and you get a message asking you to press the central button of the Hue bridge and then click on "connect..." in the app,
- Press the central button of the bridge,
- Click "connect..." in the app,
And... you're done ! :1st_place_medal:
You can now see your bridge(s), your plugs and lights and use them. You can define groups, scenes or timers. I have not tested everything because I still have very few device.
As a conclusion, I would like to precise that Hue/Zigbee is a quite simple lighting system. It is not as complete as a Jeedom/Domoticz/Nymea/HomeAssistant/etc system but it requires nothing more that a cheap bridge and compatible Lidl/Philips/Ikea lighting hardware.
@gwengui i'm just waiting author authorization, and i will publish it to the openstore. A review will be needed by the openstore team though
Shine is available again on the open store