@luksus it works now
sudo mount -o remount,rw /
sudo apt update
sudo apt install waydroid -y
waydroid initI try thst many times but no Lucky. So really dno what problem it is.
Best regards
007fred50 -
@007fred50 PLease see
sudo -s
sudo mount -o remount,rw /
apt update
apt install waydroid -y
waydroid initThere is no sudo apt. Sudo yes and apt yes but not together, and why not try the app the result is the same. At least try the commands without sudo apt.
@lakotaubp Fred's way works as well as yours. The difference is that the sequence of commands you posted first logs in as root, then you do not need
for any of the following commands, but it doesn't hurt either (see the second command in your sequence)
@007fred50's sequence of commands does not login as root first, sosudo
is required throughout. -
@arubislander I thought going rw avoided the need to use sudo-apt as that was not advised. Or is my brain failing again.
@lakotaubp apt in general is not advised.
in front of a command generally just means 'execute as root'.
sudo -s
just 'logs you in as root` beforehand. -
@arubislander Got it.
I cant run commands (sudo apt update) it says like it says before i added a screen shot later.
I can ping google.dk and
@007fred50 apt update will give you some errors but won't brick anything.
But NEVER run sudo apt-upgrade on Ubuntu Touch as it may render the system completely unusable.
If you already did run some apt commands, please reinstall Ubuntu Touch using the installer, don't check the "wipe" option and your user data partition won't be erased,
Then use the WayDroid Helper app in the open store to install WayDroid, or follow this guide:https://forums.ubports.com/topic/5907/open-ubuntu-touch-to-all-android-applications/114
I cant Even install waydroid in terminal or Waydroid Helper from app store (and install from there)
@007fred50 said in Cant install in terminal:
I cant Even install waydroid in terminal or Waydroid Helper from app store
Then you seem to have some networking issue, but I don't think the issue is the device itself... maybe your WiFi, maybe some blocking firewall in your network or whatever. Did you already try to use another network (WiFi from a friend for example)?
@luksus Hello, i have try to change wifi. home + mobile wifi. Still nothing in (sudo apt update)
@luksus i change stable channel to developer channel. and it knows 1 time now. some in stabile not working
Hello @007fred50
I don't fully understand what you're trying to do.
But using apt is not a good idea ; it is available in devel but for people that understand what they are doing.
I'd recommend to install stable from the UBports installer and then try using waydroid helper app...When running apt commands you probably saturated the memory on the system partition or some other unintended side effect
As far as I know @007fred50 broke is installation by doing some other system operations (like adduser) which has lead to the issues as he told me in private chat.
So, I think this is solved now and it was no issue with UT or Waydroid itself.
@007fred50 Please mark this as solved and maybe you want to add some further explanation what caused the issues for you.