Newsletter Articles
We are looking for items for the newsletter from Community members on anything UT or UBports based. It can be how you use your phone on a daily basis, tips and tricks, small or more complicated tutorials in fact anything at all.
If you do have one or have an idea for one please send them or make contact through the email address. It would be nice to have a few articles ready and waiting. -
@lakotaubp not really worth a email, but maybe a article that covers "the things that suck about ubuntu touch" not in a negative way
but giving the world a greater understanding of the commitment and cohesion of the ubports community and a invitation of more developers to be on the cutting edge of mobile development touting the broad language support for app development (i dont think anyone knows outside the community that they can use their godot projects ....i never knew until like two days ago!)
also announcing future porting tool ideas(even if they are just ideas) ....bottom line is UT is very hard and slow to port this is prob one of the greatest choking points of UT adoption by the masses and the world understands this
showing a future roadmap of easier adoption would get the masses excited and bring in new excited blood
i am not a writer i am a idea man unfortunately my idea is all i can offer they would break my legs in spelling and grammer alone lmfao!