There's currently no way to change font size in the system. You can only change the overall scaling via the Tweak Tool. It is a well used app in the community and if you want, you can even review its code. It's basically a collection of configurations or settings that haven't been properly implemented in the system settings.
For the messages app, I thought someone was experimenting with pinching in and out ti change font size but it seems like it hasn't landed yet.
C CiberSheep moved this topic from Design on
@kugiigi I checked the code, took sometime. Everything seems fine.
@jin-diggs there is now a font size tuning in messaging-app in 20.04
@lduboeuf Did you mean two-finger zoom?
@kimo said in The font size in "Messages" is so small, auuu my eyes -_-:
@lduboeuf Did you mean two-finger zoom?
@lduboeuf so exciting!
@lduboeuf Great solution
Before zoom
@lduboeuf Good job you mentioned it I had missed it, works s treat on FP4 on 20.04.
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J jin.diggs has marked this topic as solved on
The font size in DeltaChat app is too small...
@Ced said in The font size in "Messages" is so small, auuu my eyes -_-:
The font size in DeltaChat app is too small...
Different app, different problem... please start a new topic.