Install-Uninstall scripts with Single Command
Using a shell script that can be easily performed from terminal app (single command) you can install or uninstall all the scripts required by the feature we want to add to our os, I’ve already created one for record calls, soon I’ll make one for block unwanted calls, and for change DNS servers, I'll refer to this topic for details.
To use these shell scripts two steps and, of course, one command :
first, use morph browser to download (just tap the given link) archive.tar.gz containing scripts
second, open file manager, go to Downloads tap archive.tar.gz and "Extract archive"
and finally open terminal and run the given command
it will ask you to choose :
type 1 to install
type 2 to uninstall
type 3 to exitto uninstall app just rerun command and type 2, that's all.
! Remember to rerun it to uninstall before OTA update !
After OTA update I will check if it still works and confirm it, otherwise I will try to fix it.
I will show a preview of each script and I will explain how it works
Scripts contain comments to explain the code (any text after a hash sign '#')
Scripts use only already installed programs (no apt)
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B Br1 referenced this topic on
B Br1 referenced this topic on
edit 31/08/2023
My scripts have been tested on the stable channel , I can’t guarantee they’ll work on other channels, use them at your own risk. -
short installation video :
I'm sure an app on the store would get soooooooo much love.
I know, I know, I repeat myself
Thanks for your work. -
OTA 5 test, blacklist, callrecorder, and change dns servers, all the scripts have been tested and are working fine.
I don't know if I'll have time to test them again for future updates, use them at your own risk, a wrong dns configuration and your os might become unusable.
I suggest to make a total backup before proceeding.
@Br1 Yes, i confirm, dns changer is ok with ota-5. I tested that just after the update to OTA-5.