Best way to support Porting / Checking Status for the Fairphone 5
@CatWithUT This is at really early stages but I have asked the question so let's see what comes back.
@CatWithUT So far Marius has this working
"Boot, screen, touch and sounds works. But having a roadblock where I cannot adb or ssh into the device so really hard to debug right now"
A telegram group will be setup I will send you the link when available. Donations should just be made using the normal methods. I will sort the links.
@Lakotaubp Thanks for the fast answer! Will do!
does anyone know if there are news for the fairphone 5 port of ubports ?
Thank you in advance for the great work
C CiberSheep moved this topic from OS on
@BlueKenny IIRC, Marius mentioned it in the last Q&A. If there's an installable and working version, I'm sure we'll know it without asking
I'm also excited for this and I'm sure it'll be my next phone
@kugiigi already got mine, looks promising for PostmarketOS as well. Maybe I'll get back into Ubports if it works well.
I just checked my E-Mails and found a Uboports Newsletter from February with the following Text:
*Fosdem 2024
Devices on display included a Bq Aquaris 5HD, just to show how far we have come then a OP5, PInePhone, PinePhonePro with keyboard case, PineTab and PineTab2, Volla Phone, Volla X, Volla 22, Volla X23, Fairphone 4 and Fairphone 5.
Yes you did read that right the Fairphone 5 was at FOSDEM, and it was running 20.04. Not unsurprisingly it got a lot of attention as you would expect. The port was only finished the day before by Nikita from initial work started by Marius.
Very excited! Is there a timeframe in which we can expect a release?
@CatWithUT good find ! And where do I sign up to these newsletters?
I'm very eager to hear further news on this too!
@Kamikaze You could send a mail to socials(at)ubports(dot)com and ask to be added to the mailing list.
@Kamikaze Very bottom of this page
@Lakotaubp Ah, there it is. I was looking for that, but couldn't find it.
Thanks, I've signed up! Now just have to be patient for any news on FP5
Small update about Linux on Fairphone 5:
I saw that the UBports installer already supports the Fairphone 5! It offers postmarketOS devbuilds, for those who want to try postmarketOSCOOL!
Current state of the port: -
Wow! Latest ubports newsletter has a hint that VoLTE and 5G may be coming to FP5:
" way of a sort of happy accident 5g should be available first, and has been tested on FP5 and 4..."
Looking good!
@Kamikaze Love to hear that things are looking good for the Fairphone 5, its my current daily driver and I would love to give it a try with UbuntuTouch
Gosh I really want this to release. I'm so excited for it. VoLTE is 100% mandatory for me though, since I'm in the USA which requires VoLTE on literally all carriers for a phone to work at all. Hopefully there is a working beta sooner than later!
Fingers crossed.
@Inali In the Q&As you can see an FP5 almost every time. They probably just want to make sure they have something that works well on the release I can imagine. It seems to be running from what is visible and publicy shown. With a good working release (ideally with Waydroid) the FP5 with UB Touch would easily be a great daily driver and literally the best phone in the line up with official support!
Let them Cook.
It probably will be great!
This post is deleted! -
@CatWithUT I hope it works out well.
Honestly I give 0 cares for Waydroid. I doubt I'll even enable it.
I've run horribly unoptimized software releases on numerous devices, I wouldn't be opposed to being a tester for the FP5, regardless if it's an open public release or not. Sadly there seems to be no way to sign up for such a test.
In "Ubuntu Touch Q&A 139" there is a "Fairphone 5" section which states: "Marius has continued work on getting FP5 to a usable state. Nice!
This thread started as a question about the state of things and has now become an information dump about UT and Fairphone 5
. Whenever something about this topic comes up somewhere, I will probably hear about it here first. :grinning_cat_face_with_smiling_eyes: