Hi, I open my email through the browser many times, and I want a shortcut for a direct opening.
I thought of creating a new desktop file with a command to open the url with morph, but I can not find the option to run Morph from the command line.
Hi, I open my email through the browser many times, and I want a shortcut for a direct opening.
I thought of creating a new desktop file with a command to open the url with morph, but I can not find the option to run Morph from the command line.
I see a topic about Libertine, and I want to ask a question on this topic.
I created a new topic with "reply as topic" in the Libertine topic, but my question published as seperated topic.
So, how can I add a post to the topic?
So, I installed the chromium-browser
package in a Libertine Container.
I can see the Chromeium icon on the Desktop apps scope, but when I touch it, the Chromium is crash immediately.
Hi, I'm new to Ubuntu Touch, but be sure that when I get into depth I'll be useful.
My question is, let's say I installed software with a user interface, through the terminal. For example Synaptic (package manager).
Now, I've manually added a new .desktop
file to the ~/.local/share/applications
folder, with the following line:
Exec=synaptic # or Exec=sudo synaptic
If I didn't add the sudo
command, I have a Synaptic window that says I don't have permissions. That is, you can view a user interface.
But after, the software falls off. Likewise, if I add the sudo
command, the program immediately falls off without a graphical display.
Is it possible to run programs designed for Ubuntu Desktop without Libertine?
If so, what is the right way to do this?
@tera It did not work, with the following error:
mount: special device /userdata/system-data//var/cache/apt/archives does not exist
But yesterday I somehow managed to make it work, but then I reinstalled and now I can not.
@tera I also did not understand if there was a mistake in the characters //?
@tera Can you briefly explain what you have done here?
@matteo Hi, I just installed this tool, but I cant press on anything