Hi, I am on my third Nexus 4 and Second Nexus 5.
One 4 developed a touchscreen dead area, another died after having a bath in the river, my first Nexus 5 got into a boot loop - I am told because the on/off micro switch failed. I purchased a new one but need a microscope to change it - they are really tiny. The battery life is much better on the 4 - but after having terrible (4 hours max) battery life on the 5 and I also noticed the phone was getting very hot I tried a launcher reset, an erase and reset - and switched on screenlock but it was to no effect. In the end a re-installation via ubports installer did the trick. I bought the Polarcell battery which now gives about 2 1/2 days on standby - happy to note also the bluetooth connection to vehicle works far better now - it used to connect and drop - but next time I must back up settings as I lost a fair amount of time setting everything up again. I am a dabbler not a typical Linux user - I generally copy and paste others scripts to try to make things work. Ubports Touch I think is great OS for phones - I had to use basic Android and found the experience frustrating. I think the lesser functionality of the 4 is acceptable when you take into account the battery life. Cheap as chips on Ebay if you are willing to wait.
RE: Battery Life Time On Nexus 5
RE: Battery drain - Nexus 5
@lakotaubp Thanks - I should probably post to a current thread...
RE: Battery drain - Nexus 5
I had the same issue, I noticed that the phone was getting hot on the back (top half) - and battery life was in free-fall.
I had tried to install FDroid - which does not work on the 4 or 5... but that was some weeks before so may not be related. I changed the hardware (battery) and did a reset - which had no effect. I reinstalled from UBports installer - that worked. I agree with the comments on the 5's battery life - I normally use a Nexus 4 which has a far better life and fine for a daily drive. -
RE: Nexus 5 battery case: advice?
I must admit I feel the same about MC Hammerhead... I have downgraded to a Nexus 4 - much better battery life. The other issue with the 5 that I have had is the on off button failing and that has put the device in a boot loop. The switches are crazy-tiny - and look difficult to replace. Good luck with your battery experiments and please post if you get a good solution.
Nexus 4 will not update to UT version 12
Hi, My trusty Nexus 4 says it has downloaded version 12 but when I tap on restart/install it goes back to the update screen. Any ideas? Grateful for any pointers. R.
RE: Is my nexus 5 a soft brick can it be repaired?
Hi, So you forgot the seven taps on the build in Andriod.
I am not clever enough to help but I think adb is built into the UBports loader; there has to be a command that will activate USB debugging via ADB; you would need to do this via the terminal on the PC you are using - this link might help. https://www.ytechb.com/adb-fastboot-commands/
I have run ubuntu touch and ubports on Nexus 5 and 6 and I think it is worth persevering. Good luck! -
RE: Looking for offline map app
Hi, Unav does support offline maps; in settings it tells you (via a link) https://unav.me/offline/ how to do this. I am a big fan of Foxtrot and Tango GPS; I copied my PC offline map cache to the right file. It all works on my Nexus 4. Happy travelling.