I couldn't login to the session. Black screen for a few seconds, then it would kick me back into lightdm. Tried that several times. I removed/reinstalled mir, that seemed to do something. I was able to login, although it seems to always take me two attempts, so not sure if it did anything in the end. No keyboard entry in Unity8 (can't even switch to a tty). Window controls don't work - xwayland problem maybe?
RE: What to start from when building together Raspberry Ubuntu Touch?
RE: What to start from when building together Raspberry Ubuntu Touch?
I ran the unity install script in 18.04 armhf. Unfortunately, I had the bionic-backports repo enabled and I think something there upset it. Removing the repo and reinstalling mir got me into the desktop, but things were quite broken. Think I'll start a fresh with 16.04 arm64.
RE: Widevine
@advocatux I haven't used it, but I believe the technique has been widely used. I think Kodi does something similar. Perhaps @ebet14 can test since they asked a question about widevine?
As @dobey says, distributing a copy of widevine seems problematic, but strangely debian appear to have a package doing just that.
RE: Widevine
@lakotaubp Somebody asked in the Q&A about widevine in the Ubuntu Touch bowser. The answer was they were having difficulty finding an armhf version. The link I posted has instructions for extracting an armhf version. It is on a raspberry pi page, but it is generic widevine plugin.
I saw somebody asking about widevine. A script to extract armhf widevine and flash from chromeos images can be found here https://help.vivaldi.com/article/raspberry-pi/ .
RE: What to start from when building together Raspberry Ubuntu Touch?
Thanks for the replies.
There is a pi usable 4.15 kernel for arm64, but currently the generic armhf doesn't work on the pi. The only armhf kernel is the Linux-raspi2 kernels https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2. So if 16.04 is the best for UBports, then arm64 is the easiest to go for without recompiling a kernel.
I'm not sure what the status is of Android on the pi (when I say pi I really mean the pi 2 or 3B/3B+) or what graphics drivers it uses. I haven't yet tried any of the Android builds. A recent-ish article that mentions the pi is this https://archive.fosdem.org/2018/interviews/robert-foss/ .
Hardware accelerated video decode will soon be available via v4l2 video codecs.
Has anybody just tried running the unity 8 installer script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ubports/unity8-desktop-install-tools/master/install.sh ?
RE: What to start from when building together Raspberry Ubuntu Touch?
Hi, I can help put some images together if UBports are still interested in the pi. The pi 3 is capable of armhf and arm64 so either is possible. I've quite a bit of experience at building images, an example is the unofficial xubuntu installers I made for the pi 2 + 3: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/aarch64-on-raspberry-pi-2-rev-1-2-3b-3b/16853 . I've tried kwin under wayland on the pi3 and performance was good.
I don't know a lot about Ubuntu Touch. From my brief reading around it shouldn't be too hard to put together a 18.04 image with Unity 8. You'll have to guide me on what Ubuntu Touch brings on top of Unity, and if that can be installed outside of a phone/Android. A 16.04 image is also possible, but to get the latest vc4 graphics 18.04 would be better.
Are there any amd64 images of Ubuntu Touch/Unity 8? If not, is this something that UBports are also interested in?