Hi advocatux, my problem was a conflict between android-tools and adb fastboot, both installed on the computer of my son.... I removed android-tools and now everything went's fine. First installed Fairphone open, then used ubports-installer 0.1.12-beta as recomended. Problem solved
RE: Can't flash new FP2 with ubports
RE: Aquaris E5 Ubuntu Edition: is it 'safe' to change to UBports?
@Talkless I use my Bq E5 changed to ubports as described above. Everything works and I am only a user
Dekko2 can't open attachments
Re: Dekko 2 issuesI
I run Dekko 2 with Bq5 and 2 mail account (imap). Comparing with Dekko evereything is working well. I can read and sent email from each account. But I can't open any attachement. If I try it, the following message is on the screen: NOTICE not implemented. Fix before release.
Is there a time table when this bug will be fixed?