@ubuntumale So, mine was running Android 12 and I did downgrade it. I thought it was 13 that couldn't downgraded. There is a small chance I remember incorrectly.
RE: Absolutely Impressed
RE: Absolutely Impressed
@ubuntumale I just bought the Pixel 3A XL off of eBay for like $80(?). I was lucky and truly got one that had an unlockable bootloader. I read that this could be problematic on some devices. My only concern is seeing the discussion on this forum about the doubt and unclarity about which devices will continue to be supported. I bought a Nexus 5 because it had a star next to it on the list; I think that star should be removed. At the minimum the list needs to be separated into which version of Ubuntu they are based on. The experience was not so great on the Nexus 5. Waydroid, I think, really needs to be working well for this transition to be effective.
I'm an Apple guy -- who hates Android. (I will always have my iPhone). But even I know that until there is a good development environment toolchain Android apps can fill that gap. The Pixel allows Waydroid to run (still buggy but I know that will eventually get solved).
I was interested in a Volla Phone, but I'm not feeling the price right now.
I want to get more people interested in this. So might do a Tiktok series on it.
I actually REALLY love the how the interface works. I would make a few tweak that would allow swiping right and left for back and forth (like in Safari) when swiping from the very top of the screen (allowing the gesture to still be allowed for opening the app drawer and the open app carousel).
Absolutely Impressed
I bought Pixel 3a XL just to try out Ubuntu Touch, and I am absolutely impressed. Especially with Waydroid giving us the ability to run Android apps. I tested out Apple Music (Android), and it work -- no problem. To whom ever worked on this project, congratulations. Y'all are just fantastic.
I am hoping that this project grows.
RE: Swift Programming Language Port
@Ian You're RIGHT. I am not paying attention. I am wondering then if anyone has tried it on 20.04.
Swift Programming Language Port
Has anyone gotten Swift working on the 18.04 based version of Ubuntu Touch? The official versions of Swift don't have ARM support until 20.04, but I was curious if anyone had attempted.