@markatrafik said in Ubuntu Touch with TWRP: How UBports can be installed on Redmi Note 7, if TWRP was previously installed on it? ubports does not install, it installs ubuntu touch OS. twrp is not an OS it's a recovery (something like a bios). Some device needs TWRP to run with ubports, some others not. They are mandatory things to do prior to run ubports instaler for any device. Your device https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/lavender/ needs androïd 9.0 vendor image if i refer to its device page, and you can install uTouch using ubports as you cans see on it. Anyway, like said by @Lakotaubp, you should search Note 7 subforum, and why not, post a new thread there for help. I don't know what exactly Redmi Note 7 need to run properly ubports, and it even maybe need twrp, but you issue a bug from ubports software, who knows... someone sure, but not me ^^