Hi everyone, I am new here! and happy to be participating !
I just tried to install Ubuntu touch, but when ubuntu is booting the screen just goes black during the splashscreen loading phase :
(not an actual screenshot...)
Before calling for a bug, I want to share with you my process for validation.
1 - First I unlock my bootloader using fastboot
2 - install TWRP
3 - Flash the jasmine_sprout_stock_android9.zip that UBports installer is suggesting to me
4 - Reboot on the android to put developer mode "on"
5 - Run UBports installer till the end.
I have to say that during my first attempt, my computer randomly shut down fastboot during UBports intallation (due to amd usb issues I think). and before that I wrongly flashed an UBtouch rom that switched my android fastboot to a linux one.
After all of this I still managed to wipe my phone and then install UBtouch.
I did all of this using UBports Appimage from Elementary OS
I also tried using manjaro on an other computer but having the usb Issue.
I managed now to reset and lock again my phone with the mi flash tool to restart the process from fresh. I also found an usb amd issue bootloader fix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJNVxUYdRe4). My next attempt will be on windows using powershell.
My questions : - Did I understood well the process ?
- Is it a good idea to try again according my UBtouch boot problem?