...does waydroid also support things
like bluetooth or so? I want to use a android phone app, for my watch....
Bluetooth "in" wayland doesn't work for me. I tried with different kind of material like headset, keyboard, music speaker...
...could it run in the background and you'll get messages from maybe Whatsapp or Telegram, or other services under android?...
I was eager to try with Blabber for this purpose (Movim isn't OK under Ubuntu Touch ... it doesn't work for me) and if it's not open in wayland and wayland not in "front of" your phone, you don't received alerts .. Wayland and your app should be running and your phone "awake" !!!
For instance also if you wath a video through wayland your phone will fall asleep except if you take off your screensaver within UT.
Another thing, you can't access to your SD Card.