@Moem The Stable version is Xenial Xerus, the RC version is Focal Fossa.
Not running Dev version. I aim for stability and functionality. For Sony Xperia X, Xenial Xerus works the best even if it has some bugs.
@Moem The Stable version is Xenial Xerus, the RC version is Focal Fossa.
Not running Dev version. I aim for stability and functionality. For Sony Xperia X, Xenial Xerus works the best even if it has some bugs.
@Moem I was running Stable version, then tried RC version. It turns out Stable version is better (more stable), just have to figure out how to configure the system in terminal to fine tune it.
I have installed UT 20.4 and it turn out it has more bugs than 16.4. For example vibration bugs, when the device goes in sleep mode when camera is turned on. The zoom on camera produces screen artefacts on both versions. Morph browser works with facebook messenger only in Desktop mode. Music playback stops when another app is opened, the headphones jack daemon sometimes behaves erratically, when the jack is plugged in.
I am not bothering with Firefox.
16.4 version is faster, the battery heats up less. Also the battery drainage when WiFi is on, is much greater.
So I stick to 16.4 version, because it has Onion browser in the Appstore. Also a screensaver would be a nice feature, to play music and manage notification while the screen is off, but maintain internet connectivity without the default screen lock. Might look into app development.
I love Linux, and Ubuntu touch, but this is not as advertised for Sony Xperia X. I guess I will have to mod the system myself even if no official support is available for 16.4.
@arubislander Yes, I am running 16.04 Stable versioun of Ubuntu Touch.
I gave up on Firefox. I use Morph Browser for listening music, and facebook. Just need to configure notifications for the browser, and to be able to listen to music while the phone is locked.
I will open a new thread for Morph browser.
@Keneda I was following this guide, but the still cannot install Firefox in Libertine. It is not working.
@Keneda Thanks for your reply, but I was unsuccessful installing Firefox in Libertine.
I have force installed firefox esr 78 arm64 deb package on Ubuntu Touch (Sony Xperia X (suzu) phone). Using ADB I have remounted the root as read-write, resolved some missing dependencies but I get the following error and Firefox wont run:
"XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /usr/lib/firefox-esr/libmozsqlite3.so:
/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /usr/lib/firefox-esr/libmozsqlite3.so)
Couldn't load XPCOM."
Then I ran the ldd --version command and got:
"ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.28-10+deb10u1) 2.28"
I do not know how to resolve this issue. Any suggestions?