@arubislander Thank you for your suggestion.
I would have thought there was a simple solution, such as uploading a stock rom to the device via adb.
My problem is that I bought the smartphone second-hand and I don't have an invoice for it. Maybe Volla support can help me anyway.
RE: Replace Volla OS with Ubports
RE: Replace Volla OS with Ubports
@sven After the factory reset, the smartphone remains in Volla OS 13, i.e. Halium 13. There is no chance that I can get it to Volla OS 12 with on-board tools.
Replace Volla OS with Ubports
My Volla 22 has now received version 13 (Halium 13?). However, I would now like to replace the Volla OS with Ubuntu Touch. Will this work with the Volla/Android version 13? Or how can I reset the phone to Volla OS 12? Factory reset didn't work. According to the instructions, Halium 12 is required for installation.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@klh Yes, you are right.
Testing on my app revealed that the screen must kept on to activate the sleep timer. This is unacceptable.But the WIP of Music Player / Sleep timer shows no activity since 2 years and the trial version with the fix is outdated.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Just a few basic thoughts from me:
Many mobile OS have disappeared because there simply wasn't much choice in apps. UT also doesn't have a wide distribution because there aren't many apps available. My wife would never switch from Android to UT for this reason. She simply lacks the little "helpers".
Therefore, it is important that every app, no matter how small, should be gratefully accepted. Every developer should be encouraged to continue to work for the community in his spare time (thanks to arubislander). His intentions should not be questioned. It doesn't have to be the huge "you-can-do-anything" app. Even the smallest app strengthens the OS. That's the only way UT can become something big. -
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@klh said in Python should reset PulseAudio:
@digi6622 I don't see any feature requests about what you describe here: https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/core/mediaplayer-app/-/issues
Where was the request made if nobody responded to it?You can find requests here:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4879/flas-sleep-timer -
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Thanks again !!!
It sounds very simple. Actually, I had assumed that the sound outputs (media-hub and playing a wav-file) were on different sound slots and thus did not affect each other. Therefore I did not think in this direction at all. But I give it a try. Thanks a lot.I would like to reiterate that, as a proof of concept and by way of exercise, this is all very well. But a proper sleep functionality should be either implemented in the OS somewhere, as a global feature (maybe in settings?), or in the Music app itself as a local feature.
I understand your concerns. Neverteheless I would like to offer my app in the OpenStore, because some members here in the forum (including me) wish this app. The maintainers of UT and MediaPlayer did not respond to this request.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
QML and Javascript are okay. -
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
@arubislander said in Python should reset PulseAudio:
@digi6622 and is using Python a hard requirement?
It would be nice if possible. I'm not fit in C++ or other codings.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Maybe slide I to my DM's to talk it through?
That would be really nice !
In short words what my app should do:-
Select a certain number of minutes (it already works)
Go to sleep for the number of minutes (works too)
After this time the app close media-hub or decrease volume of this soundchannel or mute pulseaudio (= my problem)
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Thanks again.
Now, I give up the project. Maybe someday I will start a new and completly different. -
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Thanks for your kind support and the encouraging words.I think I found a solution in
At least it sounds like a possible solution if UT plays along.:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
The command "pactl" should do the trick.
RE: Python should reset PulseAudio
Thanks, Arubislander.
It's a little bit frustrating but I will continue to search for the right solution. -
Python should reset PulseAudio
Hi there,
in the UT terminal the following command is executed flawlessly:pulseaudio -k
Pulseaudio stops and a few seconds later it starts again.
If I try a clickable script with python section:
import os import signal import subprocess pulseStop = 'pulseaudio -k' def procPulseReset(name): os.system(pulseStop)
I get following message:
E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Konnte Prozess nicht abbrechen: No such process
I've set AppArmor policy "audio".
Have someone an idea where is the problem ? -
RE: Killing an App
Yes, you are right: It is drastic to kill an app. But it seemed the simplest solution. Okay, I was wrong.I will search the net for the media-hub or Pulseaudio, maybe I can control it via python. Thanks for your suggestions.
RE: Killing an App
Thanks for your answer.Welcome on board! Have you already read some about application confinement?
There are no app armor policy groups that would allow your app to do what you are attempting.Now, I've read it :astonished_face: . It is a pity that it is not supported by AppArmor.
If your app is for personal learning and use then you could go the way of UTTT.
Yes, this is my idea but I can't comprehend the steps of UTTT to become sudo, to forward the root-rights to the python module. I am still too inexperienced in programming for that.
Otherwise the functionality might more properly be proposed to the Music App, to stop playing after a certain time.
That's a good idea, too. But my little timer app should be my first attempt at programming on this platform and I would like to solve the problem.
But without more information as to the goal it is difficult to offer guidance.
Here is a short description:
- Calling the app with sudo-rights
- Chose minutes till shutting down the MusicPlayer
- Go sleep for ...minutes
- Stop AppArmor service in python(with root-rights)
- Kill MusicPlayer
- Start AppArmor service in python(with root-rights)
All code is already finished. The problem is point 4 and 6.
Thanks again.
Killing an App
I'm new in programming apps (Qml and Python) for this cool platform.
My little app should stop the music player after a certain time. The GUI in Qml is fine but the app has no permission to kill the music player withos.kill(i.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
(in a Python module).
I think it's because of AppArmor.My questions are:
Can I change the policies of AppArmor that it allows me to stop the music player ?
Or is there a workaround so that I start my app as sudo (similar to the UT Tweak Tool) ?
I've tried a bash script in terminal as sudo and it works fine with these steps:- Getting the pid of music player
- Stopping AppArmor service
- Kill -9 pid
- Starting AppArmor
Thanks for your support.