I've got double experience with my BQ tablet that after installation of some application the tablet begun double starting process which means- after long push of the start button vibration appears, than white screen with Ubuntu Touch logo, than red screen follows and after that- blind screen again, short vibration, white screen, red screen and after that the starting process continuous up to normall start. This was the same at Ubuntu Touch by Canonical as well as at Ubuntu Touch by UBports. The only solution was factory reset all the time. Now I've learned, that this problem makes Indicator weather from OpenStore...
wheather indicator installation leads to double starting process of my tablet
Please, how do I find out, which number of OTA Ihave on my UT? I can see only a number of release an other...
RE: Ubuntu Touch by Canonical-double starting process after switching my tablet ON-the same after UBports UT installation
@marathon2422 Well, the free memory amount after Ubuntu Touch by UBports installation was reduced to c.a. 5GB and my problem with double system starting was the same. I'd tried the factory reset and it helped. System starts now normally and the memory amount is back to almost 8GB like before at usual UT by Canonical.
RE: Ubuntu Touch by Canonical-double starting process after switching my tablet ON-the same after UBports UT installation
I've solved my problem by myself- factory reset
Ubuntu Touch by Canonical-double starting process after switching my tablet ON-the same after UBports UT installation
Hello. As I wrote- my BQ Aquaris M10 FHD starts twice, at anytime I switch the one ON. First- the ubuntu logo starts light after white window appears, then once more black monitor, another complete start with white window, once again the "red" window with ubuntu logo and ahter the second process of start I can use my tablet. I cannot say, when the problem occurred since. But-after installation of Ubuntu Touch by UBports the double starting has been running as well and I have additionally less data space on inside "hard disk". Instead of previous 8GB now only 5GB. I'd like to make quite new and clear UBporst installation-would You be anybody of help to me? Thanks!