when I used command 'adduser' add a new user and change password by 'passwd' command, it show below error:
-- passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
-- passwd: password unchanged
and used 'journalctl -t passwd' check the log, show 'pam_extrausers(passwd:chauthtok): user "newuser" does not exist in /var/lib/extrausers/passwd', and i added the user info in the show path try passwd command again, and it can update the password show:
-- Enter new UNIX password:
-- Retype new UNIX password:
-- passwd: password updated successfully
but actually it doesn't work,can not use the password login the user, and i run again the command ''journalctl -t passwd'' , it show error "gkr-pam: couldn't update the login keyring password: no old password was entered", I don't know how to solve this error, any guys can help this? thanks in advance!