@Lakotaubp Hello! I use my OPO in stable-channel. I've just installed "Telegram (Unofficial)", logged in UbuntuOne and now can obtain the notifications.
RE: No Push-Notifications in TELEports-App !!!
RE: No Push-Notifications in TELEports-App !!!
@Lakotaubp Hello! Thanks for your respond. I must admit , that your proposal with UT Tweak Tool also didn't bring any improvements. It seems to be some issues in code. I have already tried several variants, but without any success.
No Push-Notifications in TELEports-App !!!
Hello everybody!
Unfortunatelly, I cannot set the push-notification on my OnePlusOne in TELEports-App. I reinstalled the TELEports and It still doesn't work. Would it be possible to remove this App from directly from terminal, like it is possible in Ubuntu with the command sudo apt-get purge [package name] ? I'd like to remove everything, every file, which was created during the installation, to be able then to reinstall the TELEports again.As I installed this App for the second time, I was asked to log in to UbuntuOne to be able to obtain push-notifications. After that I havn't been redirected to the Log-in-page of the UbuntuOne. What should I do now, to get it workting??
Thanks for your answers!
Other NEW supported phones...?
Hello everybody!
I'm newbie here and have some questions to you.Are there any NEW Phones, which have been already tested for Ubuntu touch?
I'd like to buy a phone, which allows me to install and to run the Ubuntu touch. All the Ubuntu touch supported phones listed on the site are a little bit older and some of them can only be bought as a second hand ware.
Thanks and regads!