@messayisto affirmative, also the camera app from time to time freezes, mainly when video recording with backside camera, or continuously request camera access permission, which requires to restart UT. In morph, e.g. webcamtests.com and others, I experience the image to be distorted with a cyan horizontal stripe on ~1/4 of the side and next to it towards the center a thinner yellow one.
RE: Mi A2: Falsh always on in front camera and other issues.
RE: Posteo webmail timed out Morph
@alter the good news is, that there should be a solution. Xiaomi Mi A2, OTA-23 stable, yes mail storage encryption activated, mhm what else? I do not recall having made any specific changes. Maybe the friendly support team has a helpful hint.
Side note, in case of interest, I have also successfully integrated calendar and contacts with syncevolution scripts.