We got the Red Pocket card today, set it up per the APN instructions. Phone calls work, can send SMS, received one SMS, now nothing. Not sure what to try now...
RE: New User- No SMS
Off Topic- SMS Service
I am steeling myself for the fact that our newly acquired Pinephones and newly acquired Pixel 3a phons just might not get us reliable SMS in a rural area with spotty service and only one provider. We are trying some more SIM cards this week, but I am skeptical. Are any of you familiar with safe, spy-free, SMS services that we could use/pay for, that would be an alternative to the Pinephone oR UT on Pixel 3a actually having worKing SMS? feeling discouraged over four weeks in to thus transition....
RE: New User- No SMS
@rik okay, well, as an update, I am actually receiving some texts, the first since installing Ubuntu on the 3a. I feel like doing a happy dance. I am not getting all test SMS, but am excited to be getting any at all.
RE: New User- No SMS
No change, now I cannot send or receive texts.... Will wait for various SIM cards in mail.
RE: New User- No SMS
@rik Okay, SO tried the oldest version of 9.0 for Android, and confirmed SMS sent and received, now downloading the developer version of Ubuntu.. Will see...
RE: New User- No SMS
Since it takes some time to reflash, we should keep a log of which build we use so we are not duplicating data. I would be willing to try this tomorrow. Will update which build I try.
RE: New User- No SMS
We tried US Mobile initially and had phone calls but no SMS. Tried PureTalk (AT&T MVNO) and have phone, SMS out, but really no reliable SMS in, except a few random strays. Will report back after we try Red Pocket. We live in a very rural area and after looking carefully at cell tower data, it appears that AT&T is the only network with 4G out here now that Verizon shut their 3G off (we used to only get service with Verizon). We are going to try Red Pocket, ATT, Straight Talk, and one more when the SIM cards come next week, will report back after.
RE: New User- No SMS
Okay, strange. I had reset the APN, restarted, with Wifi off, and when it came back on, I got all the SMS that had tested with earlier but not received.... -
RE: TMobile issues
@rik I tried all of the above. There was no change. With wireless on and in 4G, I can send but not receive. With wireless off, reboot, and in 4G, send but not receive. Same with 3G. I am going to try and pick up a Red Pocket SIM on the way home and try that, will report. Looks like AT&T is the only game in town where I am.
RE: New User- No SMS
@rik thank you so much for the response. We have temporarily tabled the Pinephones for now out of frustration. I am now wondering if we should ship the Pixel 3a's back while they are still under the return policy. We really need working phones. I think we may have to try the AT&T SIM since discovering that is the only Cell Tower even broadcasting in our area. Will post a follow-up after switching over.
RE: TMobile issues
@rik I am having a terrible time getting these patches installed. Would they be the same for the 3a? I am using Puretalk, not T-Mobile but not getting any SMS. They are going out
RE: Difficulty downgrading Pixel 3a from 11 to 9
@sam-strelitz DId you ever get it working? We had similar issues and it was a major headache to finally get it working. Did you install all of the required drivers and such? Let me know if it still isn't working and I can lay out the procedure that we used to finally get it going.
New User- No SMS
It sounds like this may be a common issue, but wanted to introduce myself and put some feelers out for what is going on. My husband and I had old Flip Phones operating on 3G Verizon, and they shut the 3G down in our area. We ordered Pinephones and after over a month, have not had reliable SMS, although phone calls seemed to work okay. We ordered used Pixel 3a phones and installed Ubuntu Touch. SO far, same thing. We tried US Mobile (Verizon mvno) and not having any luck, and also tired Puretalk (ATT MVNO). I am willing to try another carrier, but is anyone in the rural US actually getting text in and out with UT on the 3a? I am so frustrated, this has been a huge waste of time and money for us to still not have working texts! Any info appreciated!