nooB question. How do I check the call history? Thanks.
nooB question. How do I check the call history? Thanks.
RE: Nexus 5 frozen on Google unlock screen
Finally was able to reboot about 20 more times to get to the Android screen and install 2 of the Ubuntu Touch downloaded files. After 6 "Yikes" screens I was able to finally do an update of the parially installed system. Now works fine. This experience wasn't OS/2 but BSD might be easier!
RE: Nexus 5 frozen on Google unlock screen
@lakotaubp forgot to mention the obvious. adb devices in the terminal brings up zilch
RE: Nexus 5 frozen on Google unlock screen
@lakotaubp The phone is not showing up in Ubuntu as a block device. On Thunar or even in gparted. The device is invisible to the installer and all I get is a black screen with the word Google and an open padlock. Booting and rebooting and restarting the installer have no effect. There is no other screen and how do I get to the fastboot screen or any other screen? Or do I have a brick?
Nexus 5 frozen on Google unlock screen
Have Xubuntu Xenial 16.04 installed on laptop. Downloaded ubports .deb file with dependencies and installed. Have Nexus 5 phone with no personal data on it. Went into developer mode. Got as far as "reboot phone by pressing power and volume". Now the installer does not see the phone. Have tried 3x to manually install. Rebooted 4x. Phone is frozen on BSOD black screen with Google name and open padlock. Tried 2 USB cables. All the installer does is sit at "Waiting for Device." ubports installer ver. 0.8.8 beta. Help!