@advocatux No problem. I already have one so it couldn't hurt to try.
RE: Can't seem to get wireless display working.
RE: Can't seem to get wireless display working.
@advocatux Oh, I wasn't aware of that. And there was something odd when I tried using aethercastctl's show command, which said it wasn't scanning even after I issued scan a few times. I'm not sure if that could also be related, or if it just does that in idle mode. And I was going to try it with my Microsoft Continuum dock using a USB C otg cable. Is there any success with that as far as you know?
Can't seem to get wireless display working.
I have a OnePlus One running the most recent stable OTA update. I've tried to use the wireless display option in settings and it never finds my devices, roku or Samsung TV. They're all on the same network, and none show up even with using aethercastctl and the scan option. Is the OnePlus not supported for this feature, or have I missed something?