@Rob_S Hello, is your issue resolved? Today I was able the first time to make pictures and videos with my VollaPhone/GS290. This means to switch from photo to video in camera app and create a video without freezing. The issue, occurs when the aspect ratio of the image sections is different between photo and video. This problem has not fully fixed yet (because of course they can differ) but here is a workaround. Please find the settings I made in camera app. I don´t want to state that these are the only one. They are just working. So never change a running system. Photo: Storage: Save to sd-card; 16:9 (9.4MP); Normal quality; HDR: off Video: Storage: Save to sd-card; 1080p Flash light currently not available for VollaPhone. Remark: Not sure that it has an effect where to store the pictures & videos. But I assume it is better to have them in the same place... . Ubuntu 16.04 (2020-09-26)