@jezek OK great, I didn't know that was an option. I'll give it a go.
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
@AppLee Thanks. I know how to do it through the interface but it won't let me, as it is greyed out and says that 0 apps have granted permission to the camera. I want to override this through a terminal, by editing the appropriate config file, or database entry or whatever. I am new to Ubuntu Touch, and my background is in PHP and MySQL, so how to do this is a bit of a mystery to me. I do have extensive experience with Ubuntu 16.04 though, and using the command line.
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
Can anyone tell me how / where app permissions are stored in UT? Or else where I can go to find this info? I'd like to go in through the terminal and just add the camera permission to the camera app somehow, and see if this gets it working.
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
@Tellina thanks for your suggestion. I gave it a try, and it wasn't altogeter unsuccessful. I discovered in the process that if I touch the selfie camera button, it hangs for 10+ seconds, then comes to life. I feel like I've made a bit of progress. Still not working pointing forwards though. Also still no apps have permission to use the camera. Does snybody know if the forward and backward camera are the same piece of hardware or not?
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
@Tellina I tried uninstalling it, deleting the .cache content, and the relevant .config folder. Rebooted it, and reinstalled it. No luck. I switched it from the Stable channel to Edge (took a while), then repeated the process. Still not working.
Perhaps it is not the Camera-app software that is the problem. I wonder what the best way is to check that the camera drivers are working properly and / or the camera hardware is working? If I use the command:
ls -ltrh /dev/video*
.. then a whole load of camera devices are listed:
/dev/video39This doesn't look right to me.
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
@Keneda It's OK I have found it. Turning it off did not fix the problem though.
RE: Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
@Keneda What is HDR, and how do you enable / disable it?
Camera app not working on Fairphone 2
Hi. I have recently obtained a Fairphone 2 second hand, and installed Ubuntu on it, but cannot get the camera to work at all. There seem to be a few people out there with similar problems. This post for example is recent, but is about a Pinephone, and not a FP2: https://forums.ubports.com/topic/4679/how-to-allow-camera-app-to-use-the-camera
The symptoms on my phone are the same as the above topic, "When starting the camera app, the image stays black (controls are visible). The system security shows that 0 apps are allowed to use the camera, but there is no option to change this."
I'm wondering if this is common behaviour for the FP2 - for the camera not to be working? I would be grateful for any tips on how to resolve this.
I saw somewhere on github that the option to change permissions for the camera app has not been developed yet, since it is standard to automatically add this permission upon installation of the app, which explains why there is no option to change the permissions, but why aren't they getting set upon installation.
I've tried reinstalling the camera app a couple of time now.
RE: How to allow camera app to use the camera
I'm having the same issue with a FairPhone 2. Black screen and zero permissions.