Testing: I (and my wife) continue to not get some MMS messages. We both now have OP6, both using UT, have the same carrier, and APN settings, the same as earlier detailed. 1) with my WIFI on I can not send an MMS message. It fails to send. 2) with my Wifi off I can send my wife an MMS and she can receive it. If Wifi is off the MMS comes through just fine. If her Wifi is on she gets Oops and the process described of switching Wifi off and Download retrieves the MMS successfully. 3) I created an MMS for my wife and to a secondary Google Voice # I have for myself (group message). Both of these numbers are in our contacts. With Wifi off for both of us, the MMS was sent AND received. I did not need to have a 'group' set up on either phone.
4) My wife has received Oops messages for MMS sent to her as a group message from her sister and 2 daughters. All numbers were in her contacts. These messages are not retrieving with the Downloads action. I will next set up a group with them to see if that makes a difference BUT why does my previous group MMS come through and this one does not? What are the variables? Is it because some of them use IOS or Android vs UT? Is it Carrier specific if it works well or not?
I just thought I would pass along this 'testing' to add to the confusion. I have not yet viewed any logs or wget the failed MMS. I may get there soon but previously when I did and opened the file with Seabass the file showed empty. I hope this has been helpful but my wife is very frustrated that she is not getting her pics of a new puppy, lol.
RE: MMS success and failure