@CiberSheep thanks!
It's a good compromise indeed, at the expense of being notified though (the envelope stays white and the LED is not flashing anymore). So I think there's still room for improvement, yet I'll see how's life without the constant attention disturbance that are notifications
RE: Privacy and notifications on the locked screen
Privacy and notifications on the locked screen
Hello all!
Happy user of UT on my Fairphone 2 for a while now, and I start to have some feedback and ideas on the user experience that I'd like to share, starting with this one.I'm torn between two desires that I cannot seem to concile:
- I want to avoid to have sensitive data readily available on my locked screen, especially the content of my notifications. I can do this by deactivating the top bar on the locked screen
- I like to listen to music and podcasts with my phone in my pocket (so locked), and to pause the playback rapidly. I can do this by activating the top bar on the locked screen and use the sound part
I have thought of several ways to handle it:
- have an option to hide the content of notifications
- allow for more granular control of the top bar on the lock screen (choose which section is available or not)
- have dedicated playback controls available on the lock screen
Funnily enough, while writing this I noticed that even when the top bar is deactivated on the lock screen, the content of the notification is displayed when it arrives, so it might be an argument for the first option.
Thanks everyone for all the work, I'm happy and proud to have UT on my phone
Carddav synchronization using the UBPorts doc
Hello all,
Just to mention that in my case, I couldn't make the carddav sync described here without using all small letter variable names (syncevolution creates databases and datastores in small letters).